----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason van Zyl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 10:29 PM
Subject: Cactus and the TDK

> Hi,
> This question is directed at Vincent but thought it would be
> good to post it publicly.
> I am currently trying to setup some form of unit testing in the
> TDK and what I'm more interested in at this point is black box
> testing where I can make a request and check the output.
> I read on the Cactus site that HttpUnit is the complement to
> Cactus and that black box testing is more up HttpUnit's alley ...
> so I was wondering if it would be good to contact the author
> of HttpUnit and try to integrate Cactus and HttpUnit to make
> a comprehensive webapp testing tool.

Yes, that's also been my position. I posted a mail some time ago on
jakarta-commons to test if others agreed with this. You can read post on
(the thread is called "[cactus] Add functional tests to Cactus scope ?").

Have a look at the diagram on the scope page of Cactus on
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/cactus/scope.html. What I'd like is to
cover all the boxes !, i.e. making Cactus into a "server-side testing
framework" instead of "server-side unit testing framework" ... :)

I have already contacted Russell Gold, he told me that he would think about
it. That was almost a month ago. I have resent a mail asking him for his
opinion once more. Let's hope he likes the idea .... :)

> So Vincent, should I try HttpUnit if I want some simple black
> box testing for now? I would eventually like to hook Cactus

With the current version of Cactus you can do some very basic functional
tests in the sense that you can assert the returned servlet output stream.
But you can't functionally test anything different than a servlet (like JSP,
...). I would very much like to add this function to Cactus. I would suggest
to wait one week more for Russell's approval (or denial) and then being
implementing functional tests ....

> into the TDK for testing the guts of turbine but for now the black box
> testing would be a good, simple start. Have you used HttpUnit?
> Do you have anything nice to say about it :-)

I have not used it personnally but some have used it on one of my projects
and they seemed to like it. It is quite easy to set up and use (like JUnit).

> --
> jvz.


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