jstrachan    01/05/08 06:05:52

  Modified:    collections PROPOSAL.html STATUS.html
  Added myself as a committer
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +87 -86    jakarta-commons/collections/PROPOSAL.html
  Index: PROPOSAL.html
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/collections/PROPOSAL.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- PROPOSAL.html     2001/04/14 15:38:59     1.1
  +++ PROPOSAL.html     2001/05/08 13:05:41     1.2
  @@ -1,86 +1,87 @@
  -<title>Proposal for Collections Package</title>
  -<body bgcolor="white">
  -<div align="center">
  -<h1>Proposal for <em>Collections</em> Package</h1>
  -<h3>(0) Rationale</h3>
  -   The Java Collections Framework provides a set of abstract data
  -   type interfaces and implementations that offer both a wealth
  -   of useful functionality, and a solid foundation for extending
  -   that functionality.
  -   Many Jakarta projects have needs or design criteria that extend
  -   beyond the core Collections API, such as introducing new abstract
  -   data types (e.g., Avalon's BinaryHeap) or changing the behaviour of
  -   existing abstract data types (e.g., Struts' FastHashMap).
  -   In keeping with the spirit of the Collections API and of abstract
  -   data types in general, these components can and should be shared
  -   assets.  A Commons package for abstract data types would provide
  -   encourage the development and reuse of a robust set of collections
  -   classes.
  -<h3>(1) Scope of the Package</h3>
  -   The package will create and maintain a set of collections and
  -   related classes designed to be compatible with the Java Collections
  -   Framework, and to be distributed under the ASF license.
  -<h3>(1.5) Interaction With Other Packages</h3>
  -<p><em>Collections</em> relies only on standard JDK 1.2 (or later) APIs for
  -production deployment.  It utilizes the JUnit unit testing framework for
  -developing and executing unit tests, but this is of interest only to
  -developers of the component.  Collections will also be a dependency for
  -several future proposed components for the Jakarta Commons subproject.
  -<p>No external configuration files are utilized.</p>
  -<h3>(2) Initial Source of the Package</h3>
  -   The initial codebase was harvested from existing and purposed
  -   Jakarta packages, including the Commons Database Connection Pool,
  -   Struts, and Avalon.
  -<p>The proposed package name for the new component is
  -<h3>(3)  Required Jakarta-Commons Resources</h3>
  -<li>CVS Repository - New directory <code>collections</code> in the
  -    <code>jakarta-commons</code> CVS repository.  All initial committers
  -    are already committers on <code>jakarta-commons</code>, so no
  -    additional user setups are required.</li>
  -<li>Mailing List - Discussions will take place on the general
  -    <em>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</em> mailing list.  To help
  -    list subscribers identify messages of interest, it is suggested that
  -    the message subject of messages about this component be prefixed with
  -    [Collections].</li>
  -<li>Bugzilla - New component "Collections" under the "Commons" product
  -    category, with appropriate version identifiers as needed.</li>
  -<li>Jyve FAQ - New category "commons-collections" (when available).
  -<h3>(4) Initial Committers</h3>
  -   <li>Peter Donald</li>
  -   <li>Craig McClanahan</li>
  -   <li>Rodney Waldhoff</li>
  +<title>Proposal for Collections Package</title>
  +<body bgcolor="white">
  +<div align="center">
  +<h1>Proposal for <em>Collections</em> Package</h1>
  +<h3>(0) Rationale</h3>
  +   The Java Collections Framework provides a set of abstract data
  +   type interfaces and implementations that offer both a wealth
  +   of useful functionality, and a solid foundation for extending
  +   that functionality.
  +   Many Jakarta projects have needs or design criteria that extend
  +   beyond the core Collections API, such as introducing new abstract
  +   data types (e.g., Avalon's BinaryHeap) or changing the behaviour of
  +   existing abstract data types (e.g., Struts' FastHashMap).
  +   In keeping with the spirit of the Collections API and of abstract
  +   data types in general, these components can and should be shared
  +   assets.  A Commons package for abstract data types would provide
  +   encourage the development and reuse of a robust set of collections
  +   classes.
  +<h3>(1) Scope of the Package</h3>
  +   The package will create and maintain a set of collections and
  +   related classes designed to be compatible with the Java Collections
  +   Framework, and to be distributed under the ASF license.
  +<h3>(1.5) Interaction With Other Packages</h3>
  +<p><em>Collections</em> relies only on standard JDK 1.2 (or later) APIs for
  +production deployment.  It utilizes the JUnit unit testing framework for
  +developing and executing unit tests, but this is of interest only to
  +developers of the component.  Collections will also be a dependency for
  +several future proposed components for the Jakarta Commons subproject.
  +<p>No external configuration files are utilized.</p>
  +<h3>(2) Initial Source of the Package</h3>
  +   The initial codebase was harvested from existing and purposed
  +   Jakarta packages, including the Commons Database Connection Pool,
  +   Struts, and Avalon.
  +<p>The proposed package name for the new component is
  +<h3>(3)  Required Jakarta-Commons Resources</h3>
  +<li>CVS Repository - New directory <code>collections</code> in the
  +    <code>jakarta-commons</code> CVS repository.  All initial committers
  +    are already committers on <code>jakarta-commons</code>, so no
  +    additional user setups are required.</li>
  +<li>Mailing List - Discussions will take place on the general
  +    <em>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</em> mailing list.  To help
  +    list subscribers identify messages of interest, it is suggested that
  +    the message subject of messages about this component be prefixed with
  +    [Collections].</li>
  +<li>Bugzilla - New component "Collections" under the "Commons" product
  +    category, with appropriate version identifiers as needed.</li>
  +<li>Jyve FAQ - New category "commons-collections" (when available).
  +<h3>(4) Initial Committers</h3>
  +   <li>Peter Donald</li>
  +   <li>Craig McClanahan</li>
  +   <li>Rodney Waldhoff</li>
  +   <li>James Strachan</li>
  1.5       +130 -123  jakarta-commons/collections/STATUS.html
  Index: STATUS.html
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/collections/STATUS.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- STATUS.html       2001/04/23 12:46:54     1.4
  +++ STATUS.html       2001/05/08 13:05:44     1.5
  @@ -1,124 +1,131 @@
  -<title>Status File for Jakarta Commons "Collections" Package</title>
  -<body bgcolor="white">
  -<div align="center">
  -<h1>The Jakarta Commons <em>Collections</em> Package</h1>
  -$Id: STATUS.html,v 1.4 2001/04/23 12:46:54 rwaldhoff Exp $<br>
  -<a href="#Introduction">[Introduction]</a>
  -<a href="#Dependencies">[Dependencies]</a>
  -<a href="#Release Info">[Release Info]</a>
  -<a href="#Committers">[Committers]</a>
  -<a href="#Action Items">[Action Items]</a>
  -<a name="Introduction"></a>
  -<h3>1.  INTRODUCTION</h3>
  -<p>The <em>Collections</em> package contains a set of Java classes that
  -extend or augment the Java Collections Framework.
  -The following classes are included:</p>
  -<li><strong>ArrayEnumeration</strong> - a java.util.Enumeration wrapper for 
  -<li><strong>ArrayStack</strong> - An implementation of the java.util.Stack API 
  -    that is based on an ArrayList instead of a Vector, so it is not synchronized to 
  -    protect against multi-threaded access.</li>
  -<li><strong>CursorableLinkedList</strong> - an implementation of the java.util.List
  -    interface supporting a java.util.ListIterator that allows concurrent
  -    modifications to the underlying list.</li>
  -<li><strong>ExtendedProperties</strong> - extends normal Java properties by adding 
  -    the possibility to use the same key many times, concatenating the value strings 
  -    instead of overwriting them.</li>
  -<li><strong>FastArrayList</strong> - a custom implementation of java.util.ArrayList 
  -    designed to operate in a multithreaded environment where the large majority of 
  -    method calls are read-only, instead of structural changes.</li>
  -<li><strong>FastHashMap</strong> - a custom implementation of java.util.HashMap 
  -    designed to operate in a multithreaded environment where the large majority of 
  -    method calls are read-only, instead of structural changes.</li>
  -<li><strong>FastTreeMap</strong> - a custom implementation of java.util.TreeMap 
  -    designed to operate in a multithreaded environment where the large majority of 
  -    method calls are read-only, instead of structural changes.</li>
  -<li><strong>ListUtils</strong> - miscelaneous utilities to manipulate Lists.</li>
  -<li><strong>PriorityQueue</strong> - a PriorityQueue interface, with 
  -    <strong>BinaryHeap</strong> and <strong>SynchronizedPriorityQueue</strong> 
  -    implementations.</li>
  -<a name="Dependencies"></a>
  -<h3>2.  DEPENDENCIES</h3>
  -<p>The <em>Collections</em> package is dependent upon the following external
  -components for development and use:</p>
  -<li><a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se";>Java Development Kit</a>
  -    (Version 1.2 or later)</li>
  -<li><a href="http://www.junit.org";>JUnit Testing Framework</a>
  -    (Version 3.2 or later) - for unit tests only, not required
  -    for deployment</li>
  -<a name="Release Info"></a>
  -<h3>3.  RELEASE INFO</h3>
  -<p>Current Release:  <strong>Unreleased, CVS Repository Only</strong></p>
  -<p>Planned Next Release:  TBD</p>
  -<a name="Committers"></a>
  -<h3>4.  COMMITTERS</h3>
  -<p>The following individuals are the primary developers and maintainers of this
  -component.  Developers who plan to use <em>Collections</em> in their own
  -projects are encouraged to collaborate on the future development of this
  -component to ensure that it continues to meet a variety of needs.</p>
  -   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Peter Donald</a></li>
  -   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Craig McClanahan</a></li>
  -   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Rodney Waldhoff</a></li>
  -   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Geir Magnusson Jr.</a></li>
  -   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Jason van Zyl</a></li>
  -<a name="Action Items"></a>
  -<h3>5.  ACTION ITEMS</h3>
  -<p>Want to help?  Here's some "to do" items the team has identified.</p>
  -<table border="1">
  -  <tr>
  -    <th width="70%">Action Item</th>
  -    <th width="10%">Required for 1.0 Release?</th>
  -    <th width="20%">Volunteer</th>
  -  </tr>
  -  <tr>
  -    <td><strong>Additional Contributions</strong>.  Other collections
  -    classes.</td>
  -    <td align="center">No?</td>
  -    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
  -  </tr>
  -  <tr>
  -    <td><strong>Generalized Unit Tests</strong>.  Create a generic
  -    set of Unit Tests that test the standard contracts of the basic
  -    Java Collections interfaces (List, Set, etc.)</td>
  -    <td align="center">Yes</td>
  -    <td align="center">Rod</td>
  -  </tr>
  -  <tr>
  -    <td><strong>Additional Documentation</strong>.  Create simple
  -        User's Guide, examples, or other documentation for this package.</td>
  -    <td align="center">No (JavaDoc/Unit tests suffice for now?)</td>
  -    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
  -  </tr>
  +<title>Status File for Jakarta Commons "Collections" Package</title>
  +<body bgcolor="white">
  +<div align="center">
  +<h1>The Jakarta Commons <em>Collections</em> Package</h1>
  +$Id: STATUS.html,v 1.5 2001/05/08 13:05:44 jstrachan Exp $<br>
  +<a href="#Introduction">[Introduction]</a>
  +<a href="#Dependencies">[Dependencies]</a>
  +<a href="#Release Info">[Release Info]</a>
  +<a href="#Committers">[Committers]</a>
  +<a href="#Action Items">[Action Items]</a>
  +<a name="Introduction"></a>
  +<h3>1.  INTRODUCTION</h3>
  +<p>The <em>Collections</em> package contains a set of Java classes that
  +extend or augment the Java Collections Framework.
  +The following classes are included:</p>
  +<li><strong>ArrayEnumeration</strong> - a java.util.Enumeration wrapper for 
  +<li><strong>ArrayIterator</strong> - a java.util.Iterator wrapper for arrays.</li>
  +<li><strong>ArrayStack</strong> - An implementation of the java.util.Stack API 
  +    that is based on an ArrayList instead of a Vector, so it is not synchronized to 

  +    protect against multi-threaded access.</li>
  +<li><strong>BeanMap</strong> - An implementation of the java.util.Map API 
  +    that is based on a JavaBean using introspection. The property names are the 
  +    keys of the map and the property values are the values of the map.</li>
  +<li><strong>CollectionUtils</strong> - a variety of helper methods
  +    for working with collections.</li>
  +<li><strong>CursorableLinkedList</strong> - an implementation of the java.util.List
  +    interface supporting a java.util.ListIterator that allows concurrent
  +    modifications to the underlying list.</li>
  +<li><strong>ExtendedProperties</strong> - extends normal Java properties by adding 
  +    the possibility to use the same key many times, concatenating the value strings 

  +    instead of overwriting them.</li>
  +<li><strong>FastArrayList</strong> - a custom implementation of java.util.ArrayList 

  +    designed to operate in a multithreaded environment where the large majority of 
  +    method calls are read-only, instead of structural changes.</li>
  +<li><strong>FastHashMap</strong> - a custom implementation of java.util.HashMap 
  +    designed to operate in a multithreaded environment where the large majority of 
  +    method calls are read-only, instead of structural changes.</li>
  +<li><strong>FastTreeMap</strong> - a custom implementation of java.util.TreeMap 
  +    designed to operate in a multithreaded environment where the large majority of 
  +    method calls are read-only, instead of structural changes.</li>
  +<li><strong>ListUtils</strong> - miscelaneous utilities to manipulate Lists.</li>
  +<li><strong>PriorityQueue</strong> - a PriorityQueue interface, with 
  +    <strong>BinaryHeap</strong> and <strong>SynchronizedPriorityQueue</strong> 
  +    implementations.</li>
  +<a name="Dependencies"></a>
  +<h3>2.  DEPENDENCIES</h3>
  +<p>The <em>Collections</em> package is dependent upon the following external
  +components for development and use:</p>
  +<li><a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se";>Java Development Kit</a>
  +    (Version 1.2 or later)</li>
  +<li><a href="http://www.junit.org";>JUnit Testing Framework</a>
  +    (Version 3.2 or later) - for unit tests only, not required
  +    for deployment</li>
  +<a name="Release Info"></a>
  +<h3>3.  RELEASE INFO</h3>
  +<p>Current Release:  <strong>Unreleased, CVS Repository Only</strong></p>
  +<p>Planned Next Release:  TBD</p>
  +<a name="Committers"></a>
  +<h3>4.  COMMITTERS</h3>
  +<p>The following individuals are the primary developers and maintainers of this
  +component.  Developers who plan to use <em>Collections</em> in their own
  +projects are encouraged to collaborate on the future development of this
  +component to ensure that it continues to meet a variety of needs.</p>
  +   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Peter Donald</a></li>
  +   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Craig McClanahan</a></li>
  +   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Rodney Waldhoff</a></li>
  +   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Geir Magnusson Jr.</a></li>
  +   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Jason van Zyl</a></li>
  +   <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>James Strachan</a></li>
  +<a name="Action Items"></a>
  +<h3>5.  ACTION ITEMS</h3>
  +<p>Want to help?  Here's some "to do" items the team has identified.</p>
  +<table border="1">
  +  <tr>
  +    <th width="70%">Action Item</th>
  +    <th width="10%">Required for 1.0 Release?</th>
  +    <th width="20%">Volunteer</th>
  +  </tr>
  +  <tr>
  +    <td><strong>Additional Contributions</strong>.  Other collections
  +    classes.</td>
  +    <td align="center">No?</td>
  +    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
  +  </tr>
  +  <tr>
  +    <td><strong>Generalized Unit Tests</strong>.  Create a generic
  +    set of Unit Tests that test the standard contracts of the basic
  +    Java Collections interfaces (List, Set, etc.)</td>
  +    <td align="center">Yes</td>
  +    <td align="center">Rod</td>
  +  </tr>
  +  <tr>
  +    <td><strong>Additional Documentation</strong>.  Create simple
  +        User's Guide, examples, or other documentation for this package.</td>
  +    <td align="center">No (JavaDoc/Unit tests suffice for now?)</td>
  +    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
  +  </tr>

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