From: Michael Gerdau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> On 4th May I have reposted a joined proposal done by Nick
> Afshartous and
> myself for a datamodel package which possibly should reside
> in commons.
> So far I have not had a single reaction on this !
> Was the proposal not properly presented ?
> Is there no interest in datamodelling ?
> Is the code provided deemed too preliminary to warrant any reaction ?
> Or is commons after all the wrong forum ?

This gives me an idea :

As well as commons seems to be working out, this seems to be an area we can
improve - is anyone interested in forming a little quasi-formal 'Proposal
Committee' ?  The point *isn't* to control access for proposals or limit
what is presented to the community, but to simply be a group that will vet
proposals, provide some added value in community confidence when presented
to the community for consideration,  and prevent them from appearing to be
'dropped on the floor' like this.  I think that everyone is busy, figures
others will deal with it, and then no one does anything.

The idea is not to limit idea flow (as anyone could still post whatever they
want to the lists - this is not to be a moderating function...), but rather
do a little of the legwork on a proposal, making sure its appropos [ and if
not, vectoring to the right place in Apache-land].  If appropos, posting to
the list on behalf of the proposer for all to consider.  Coming from the
'Proposal Committee', people might be more compelled to spend the time to
read, consider and comment.

As some of the value-add,  the committee could do a little work getting an
appropriate commons person to 'champion' or sponsor the proposal, which
would futher grease the skids.

I will volunteer to do this if I can get a few other committed people to
join me.


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