
I have contacted three different parties to inquire about
their respective interest in bringing various packages to
Apache. I've already run into a case where another Apache
committer was doing the same thing I was doing so I figure
it's best to lay the plans out on the table.

I have contacted the following people:

Hannes Wallnoefer 
XML-RPC Library. This may be more appropriate
for the XML project, but I wanted to make contact.

Markus Dahm 
BCEL (Bytecode Engineering Library). This
is going to be used in Xalan2 in the XSLTC
compiler, I use it in Turbine and I have started
a Velocity compiler with it. It would also be use
in Ant to check deps, I know that Connor has already
started some bytecode analysis and BCEL would be
a very nice tool to help that along. Tons of possibilities.

Doug Lea
Concurrent utils. Most people know theses. They
would probably make an excellent addition to the
threading stuff we have. This is probably the most
widely known package and it would probably get more
attention if it landed at Apache.

Just wanted to keep people informed.


Jason van Zyl


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