----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 4:00 PM
Subject: Cactus + Jserv?

> >
> Hi,
> I have a question regarding the use of Cactus and Jserv.
> I use jserv, which runs servlet API 2.0. Unfortunatly, there is not much I
can do about that.
> Cactus' system requirements state that I must use a 2.x compliant servlet
engine, but on the page
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/cactus/servlets.html
> I can see that cactus supports only 2.2 servlet engines and above.
> Which is correct?
> Is there a way to make cactus run with jserv?

Yes, Cactus now supports only API 2.2 and above. It was supporting version
2.1 previously but this has been dropped because too old ... :)
2.0 has never been supported ... but users have been using Cactus with JServ
(when it was supporting API 2.1) ...
You can always try ... but I fear there will be some problems ...

I should really say that JServ is now quite old and should be replaced by
Tomcat (I know you said you had no option !) ... It's going to get harder
every day to get any support for a 2.0 servlet API engine ...

> Thanks in advance,

I'm sorry I couldn't help me. You can still look at Mock Objects (check
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/cactus/mockobjects.html) which will work
with any servlet API (it's using a different strategy than Cactus).

Hope it helps.

> Søren


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