The documentation (the "Digester Developer Guide") says:

"For example, the Struts framework controller servlet uses the following
registration in order to tell Struts to use a local copy of the DTD for the
Struts configuration file. This allows usage of Struts in environments that
are not connected to the Internet, and speeds up processing even at Internet
connected sites (because it avoids the need to go across the network).
      ("-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN",

As a side note, the system identifier used in this example is the path that
would be passed to java.lang.ClassLoader.getResource() or
java.lang.ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(). The actual DTD resource is
loaded through the same class loader that loads all of the Struts classes --
typically from the struts.jar file."

but it does not seem that it tries to get the dtd thru getRessource() - is
this true?

At least on W2K/JDK1.3 it seems I need to register the DTD using something

  digester.register("-//HM ORGA Software GmbH//Persistence 1.0//EN",


Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug in the docs?


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