Hi all,

Here is a proposal for donation of Likken project (user friendly LDAP
Peter Donald wrote me about problems with the license I was using in
Likken (GPL) and told me how nice was the Common Project... :-)



I. Rationale

Enterprise directories provide an unified access to information about
people, organization, hardware and software resources. Enterprise
directories also provide high scalability through replication and
delegated administration.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol which
standardize the access interface to these enterprise directories.

Likken provide management of LDAP directories data to end users through
a Web user interface (which enable administration delegation).

Although there is an open source LDAP directory server (OpenLDAP), there
is not such open sourced administration tools.

Likken is a Java Web Application according J2EE servlet/JSP

Since Jakarta products are mainly servlet-based, Likken is a natural
addition to the Jakarta family.

I am the sole author of Likken and would like to donate the source code
to the ASF for distribution under the Apache License.

II. Scope

The package shall maintain a Java library implementing an abstract layer
for LDAP administration and user interface to use it (at this moment the
Web user interface is the only one existing)

III. Initial source

A release (0.2.0) of Likken is now available from SourceForge
<http://sourceforge.net/projects/likken/> and <http://www.likken.org/>
under the GPL (although this license do not seems appropriate). 

Stephane Boisson and [EMAIL PROTECTED], the donors, certify that they are the
sole authors and owners of the source code.

If accepted, the latest version (0.2.0) will be donated to the ASF and
may be released under the Apache License.

1. Source status

Likken has not reached maturity, many features still need to be
implemented (like search, browsing..).

The current version is 0.2.0 and has been through two releases on

The project directory structure already generally follows the Apache

The source code is heavily commented and I would call the code
production quality.

2. Dependencies

- Ant 1.3 as the build system for compiling and generating the runtime
jars, the WAR application, and also to run unit tests.
- JNDI and a LDAP JNDI provider (part of Java 1.3)
- Servlet & JSP API for the Web client (part of J2EE 1.2)
- Oreilly Servlet Java library for handling file uploading (multipart
- Jakarta Regexp 1.1
- JUnit for some unit tests
- Jakarta LOG4J is not yet used but this is planned

IV. Resources to be created

- CVS repository for the new code base
- A new committer profile for myself
- It can use the Jakarta-Commons mailing list for communications.

V. Initial committers

- Stéphane Boisson (myself)

VI. Goal & Wishes

My goal is to transform a one-man code base that is gaining visibility
but is still developed by a single person into a thriving product with
multiple developers contributing to the code base.

I believe this can be achieved by donating the product to the Apache
Software Foundation.

Along with this goal, I also believe that Likken could benefit many
other Jakarta products, especially if they share a common license.

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