----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Velkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 10:59 PM
Subject: [cactus] newbie question

> I'm very close to running my first Cactus test using Tomcat 4.0.  But I'm
> getting the following error message when the test runs:
> C:\cactus_sample\build\build.xml:419: Could not create task of type:
> Common solutions are to use taskdef to declare your task, or, if this is
> optional task, to put the optional.jar in the lib directory of your ant
> installation (ANT_HOME).
> 1) cactus_sample is just a copy of files from my
> c:\commons-cactus-23-20010502\sample.
> 2) I did copy junit.jar into %ANT_HOME%\lib.  (I assume this is what is
> meant by the optional.jar here)
> 3) I have found the syntax for the taskdef statement in ant, but I don't
> how to use it here, if that's what I must do.
> Any help is appreciated...

Yes, you're right, it means that for some reason Ant cannot instanciate the
object associated with the junit task. The reason must be that either the
junit ant task is not present in your ant.jar or optional.jar, or junit.jar
is not present (but you said you put it there !).

For simplicity, I suggest you download the prepackaged ant zip, which is
available on the cactus web site download area. It contains everything

> -- Ted Velkoff

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