Hi Jeffrey,
Thanks a lot for your contribution ! And we (all Cactus contributors) thank you for the compliment regarding Cactus  *blush*  .... :)
I will upload your code and add "JBoss 2.2.1 w/ Tomcat" in the list of automated Ant scripts on the web site ...
If you'd like to continue to help on any part, feel free !!! :)
Thanks again.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 2:20 AM
Subject: [cactus] Using Cactus with JBoss-2.2.1 with Embedded Tomcat

Since I have not seen anything posted on this archive regarding
usage of jboss-2.2.1 with embedded tomcat and cactus, here is a snippet from build.xml
which successfully starts and stops JBoss.

Cactus creators:  Thanks for creating cactus.  It is great!!

    <target name="tests_jboss_221" depends="init,prepare_tests_jboss_221" if="jboss.home.221">
        <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
             unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
             The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
        <runservertests testURL="http://localhost:8080/test"
    <target name="start_jboss_221">
        <java classname="org.jboss.Main" fork="yes" dir="${jboss.home.221}/bin">
                <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
                <fileset dir="${jboss.home.221}/bin">
                    <include name="run.jar"/>
    <target name="stop_jboss_221">
        <java classname="org.jboss.Shutdown" fork="yes">
                <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
                <fileset dir="${jboss.home.221}/lib/ext">
                    <include name="jboss.jar"/>
    <target name="check_tests_jboss_221" depends="testwar" unless="jboss.home.221">
        <echo message=""/>
        <echo message="*********************************************************"/>
        <echo message="WARNING : The 'jboss.home.221' property has not been set."/>
        <echo message="          No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
        <echo message="*********************************************************"/>
        <echo message=""/>

    <target name="prepare_tests_jboss_221" depends="check_tests_jboss_221" if="jboss.home.221">
          <property name="tomcat.home.32" value="${tomcat.home.32}"/>
        <filter token="tomcat.home.32" value="${tomcat.home.32}"/>
        <!-- Delete some config file so that they will be copied every time -->
        <delete file="${tomcat.home.32}/conf/tomcat.conf"/>
        <!-- Copy the war file -->
        <copy file="${build.dir}/test.war" tofile="${jboss.home.221}/deploy/test.war"/>

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