At 11:44 AM +0800 6/17/01, Kelvin Tan wrote:
>Hey y'all,
>I'm working on an EJBTestCase which extends TestCase so that unit testing
>can be performed for EJBs too. EJBTestCase provides some utility methods to
>allow for loading the EJB to be tested. I'd like some feedback about what
>everyone thinks. Please forgive any newbie concepts or questions I have...

Is it your expectation that this would run inside an application container, a servlet 
container, an external VM....?

The behavior of EJBs - especially security and transaction control - can depend on the 
location of the client.
Russell Gold                     | "... society is tradition and order
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 | and reverence, not a series of cheap
                                 | bargains between selfish interests."          |   - Poul Anderson, "Iron"

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