vmassol     01/06/17 06:32:40

  Modified:    cactus/conf/sample/build/servlet22 build-tests.xml
               cactus/conf/sample/build/servlet23 build-tests.xml
  added support for Resin 2.0
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +110 -1    
  Index: build-tests.xml
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- build-tests.xml   2001/05/02 15:17:38     1.2
  +++ build-tests.xml   2001/06/17 13:32:39     1.3
  @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
           <echo message=" Targets for running the tests for Servlet API 2.2 :"/>
           <echo message=""/>
           <echo message=" tests_all         --> run tests on all servlet engines"/>
  +        <echo message=" tests_resin_20    --> run tests for Resin 2.0"/>
           <echo message=" tests_resin_12    --> run tests for Resin 1.2"/>
           <echo message=" tests_tomcat_32   --> run tests for Tomcat 3.2"/>
           <echo message=" tests_weblogic_51 --> run tests for WebLogic 5.1"/>
  @@ -35,7 +36,115 @@
       <target name="tests_all"
  -        depends="tests_resin_12,tests_tomcat_32,tests_orion_14,tests_weblogic_51">
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Run Resin 2.0 tests
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="tests_resin_20" depends="prepare_tests_resin_20" 
  +        <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
  +             unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
  +             The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
  +        <runservertests testURL="http://localhost:8080/test";
  +            startTarget="start_resin_20"
  +            stopTarget="stop_resin_20"
  +            testTarget="tests"/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Start Resin 2.0
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="start_resin_20">
  +        <java classname="org.apache.commons.cactus.ant.ResinRun" fork="yes">
  +            <arg value="-start"/>
  +            <arg value="-conf"/>
  +            <arg value="resin.conf"/>
  +            <!-- Needed so that Resin use the resin.home.20 variable as it's
  +                 root directory for resolving file paths -->
  +            <jvmarg value="-Dresin.home=${out.resin20.dir}"/>
  +            <classpath>
  +                <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
  +                <fileset dir="${resin.home.20}/lib">
  +                    <include name="*.jar"/>
  +                </fileset>
  +            </classpath>
  +        </java>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Stop Resin 2.0
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="stop_resin_20">
  +        <java classname="org.apache.commons.cactus.ant.ResinRun" fork="yes">
  +            <arg value="-stop"/>
  +            <classpath>
  +                <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
  +                <fileset dir="${resin.home.20}/lib">
  +                    <include name="*.jar"/>
  +                </fileset>
  +            </classpath>
  +        </java>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
  +         is not set
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="check_tests_resin_20" depends="testwar" unless="resin.home.20">
  +        <echo message=""/>
  +        <echo message="*********************************************************"/>
  +        <echo message="WARNING : The 'resin.home.20' property has not been set."/>
  +        <echo message="          No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
  +        <echo message="*********************************************************"/>
  +        <echo message=""/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="prepare_tests_resin_20" depends="check_tests_resin_20" 
  +        <echo message="resin.home.20 = ${resin.home.20}"/>
  +        <property name="out.resin20.dir" value="${out.test.dir}/resin20"/>
  +        <property name="conf.resin20.dir" value="${conf.test.dir}/resin20"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${out.resin20.dir}"/>
  +        <!-- Copy resin configuration files -->
  +        <copy file="${conf.resin20.dir}/resin.conf" 
  +        <!-- Create the war file -->
  +        <copy file="${out.test.dir}/test.war" tofile="${out.resin20.dir}/test.war"/>
  1.3       +110 -1    
  Index: build-tests.xml
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- build-tests.xml   2001/05/02 15:17:41     1.2
  +++ build-tests.xml   2001/06/17 13:32:39     1.3
  @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
           <echo message=" Targets for running the tests for Servlet API 2.3 :"/>
           <echo message=""/>
           <echo message=" tests_all         --> run tests on all servlet engines"/>
  +        <echo message=" tests_resin_20    --> run tests for Resin 2.0"/>
           <echo message=" tests_resin_13    --> run tests for Resin 1.3"/>
           <echo message=" tests_tomcat_40   --> run tests for Tomcat 4.0"/>
           <echo message=""/>
  @@ -32,7 +33,115 @@
            Run all Cactus tests for Servlet API 2.3
  -    <target name="tests_all" depends="tests_resin_13,tests_tomcat_40">
  +    <target name="tests_all" 
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Run Resin 2.0 tests
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="tests_resin_20" depends="prepare_tests_resin_20" 
  +        <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
  +             unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
  +             The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
  +        <runservertests testURL="http://localhost:8080/test";
  +            startTarget="start_resin_20"
  +            stopTarget="stop_resin_20"
  +            testTarget="tests"/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Start Resin 2.0
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="start_resin_20">
  +        <java classname="org.apache.commons.cactus.ant.ResinRun" fork="yes">
  +            <arg value="-start"/>
  +            <arg value="-conf"/>
  +            <arg value="resin.conf"/>
  +            <!-- Needed so that Resin use the resin.home.20 variable as it's
  +                 root directory for resolving file paths -->
  +            <jvmarg value="-Dresin.home=${out.resin20.dir}"/>
  +            <classpath>
  +                <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
  +                <fileset dir="${resin.home.20}/lib">
  +                    <include name="*.jar"/>
  +                </fileset>
  +            </classpath>
  +        </java>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Stop Resin 2.0
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="stop_resin_20">
  +        <java classname="org.apache.commons.cactus.ant.ResinRun" fork="yes">
  +            <arg value="-stop"/>
  +            <classpath>
  +                <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
  +                <fileset dir="${resin.home.20}/lib">
  +                    <include name="*.jar"/>
  +                </fileset>
  +            </classpath>
  +        </java>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
  +         is not set
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="check_tests_resin_20" depends="testwar" unless="resin.home.20">
  +        <echo message=""/>
  +        <echo message="*********************************************************"/>
  +        <echo message="WARNING : The 'resin.home.20' property has not been set."/>
  +        <echo message="          No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
  +        <echo message="*********************************************************"/>
  +        <echo message=""/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- 
  +       ========================================================================
  +         Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
  +       ========================================================================
  +    -->
  +    <target name="prepare_tests_resin_20" depends="check_tests_resin_20" 
  +        <echo message="resin.home.20 = ${resin.home.20}"/>
  +        <property name="out.resin20.dir" value="${out.test.dir}/resin20"/>
  +        <property name="conf.resin20.dir" value="${conf.test.dir}/resin20"/>
  +        <mkdir dir="${out.resin20.dir}"/>
  +        <!-- Copy resin configuration files -->
  +        <copy file="${conf.resin20.dir}/resin.conf" 
  +        <!-- Create the war file -->
  +        <copy file="${out.test.dir}/test.war" tofile="${out.resin20.dir}/test.war"/>

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