geirm       01/06/19 04:39:06

  Added:       rupert   README.txt STATUS.html
  Basic stuff for a new webapp tools project called, for lack of a better
  name, 'Rupert'.  The name will be decided by community :)
  Maybe :  toollibs
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/rupert/README.txt
  Index: README.txt
  Quickie How-To
  1) See the STATUS.html for all dependencies
  2) The default location for all dependency jars
    is the lib directory.
  3) You can override the location of the jars as 
     specified in build.xml using the
     file that would contain local values.  See the
  4) Once you have ant installed, and all dependencies
    satisfied, just simply start ant as creating the
    jar is the default target.
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/rupert/STATUS.html
  Index: STATUS.html
  <title>Status File for Jakarta Commons "Rupert" Component</title>
  <body bgcolor="white">
  <div align="center">
  <h1>The Jakarta Commons <em>Rupert</em> Component</h1>
  $Id: STATUS.html,v 1.1 2001/06/19 11:39:05 geirm Exp $<br>
  <a href="#Introduction">[Introduction]</a>
  <a href="#Dependencies">[Dependencies]</a>
  <a href="#Release Info">[Release Info]</a>
  <a href="#Committers">[Committers]</a>
  <a name="Introduction"></a>
  <h3>1.  INTRODUCTION</h3>
   This scope of the <em>Rupert</em> component is to provide a set of 
   useful tools to use in servlet-based web application development.
   While the initial seeding of this project was from the members of 
   the Jakarta Velocity community, the intention is to provide 
   a set of tools useful for developers using other template engines
   like WebMacro as well as JSPs.
   The tools in <em>Rupert</em> should be kept as free of specific engine
   dependecies to allow maximum usability.
    We invite contributions from all.
   <p>Note : the name 'rupert' is a temporary placeholder until the 
    community can decide on a real one :)
  <a name="Dependencies"></a>
  <buih3>2.  DEPENDENCIES</h3>
  To build <em>Rupert</em> you will need the Really Great Jakarta Ant build
  tool, available <a href="";>here</a>.
  <p>The <em>Rupert</em> component is dependent upon the following external
  components for development and use:</p>
  <li><a href="";>Java Development Kit</a>
      (Version 1.2 or later)</li>
  <li><a href="";>Jakarta Velocity</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>JDOM</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>werken-xpath</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Jakarta Oro</a></li>
  In addition, you need some rendition of the servlet API.  For example, 
  <a href="";>
  Jakarta Servlet API</a>.
  <a name="Release Info"></a>
  <h3>3.  RELEASE INFO</h3>
  <p>Current Release:  <strong>Unreleased, CVS Repository Only</strong></p>
  <p>Planned Next Release: N/A</p>
  Any release of this software depends upon acceptance by the Jakarta Commons 
  community as a 'regular' component.
  <a name="Committers"></a>
  <h3>4.  COMMITTERS</h3>
  The following individuals are the primary developers and maintainers of this
  component.  Developers who plan to use <em>Rupert</em> in their own
  projects are encouraged to collaborate on the future development of this
  component to ensure that it continues to meet a variety of needs.
  <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Geir Magnusson Jr.</a></li>
  <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Christoph Reck</a></li>
  <li><a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Nathan Bubna</a></li>
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/rupert/
  # junit.jar - JUnit 3.2+ Classpath
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/rupert/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  <project name="Digester" default="jar" basedir=".">
          "Digester" component of the Jakarta Commons Subproject
          $Id: build.xml,v 1.1 2001/06/19 11:39:05 geirm Exp $
  <!-- ========== Initialize Properties ===================================== -->
    <property file=""/>                <!-- Component local   -->
    <property file="../"/>             <!-- Commons local     -->
    <property file="${user.home}/"/>   <!-- User local        -->
  <!-- ========== External Dependencies ===================================== -->
    <!-- The directories corresponding to your necessary dependencies -->
    <property name="velocity.home"           value="lib"/>
    <property name="jdom.home"               value="lib"/>
    <property name="werken-xpath.home"       value="lib"/>
    <property name="oro.home"                value="lib"/>
    <property name="servlet.home"            value="lib"/>
  <!-- ========== Derived Values ============================================ -->
    <!-- The locations of necessary jar files -->
    <property name="velocity.jar"            value="${velocity.home}/velocity.jar"/>
    <property name="jdom.jar"                value="${jdom.home}/jdom.jar"/>
    <property name="werken-xpath.jar"        
    <property name="oro.jar"                 value="${oro.home}/oro.jar"/>
    <property name="servlet.jar"             value="${servlet.home}/servlet.jar"/>
  <!-- ========== Component Declarations ==================================== -->
    <!-- The name of this component -->
    <property name=""          value="rupert"/>
    <!-- The title of this component -->
    <property name="component.title"         value="servlet-based webapp development 
    <!-- The current version number of this component -->
    <property name="component.version"       value="0.1-dev"/>
    <!-- The base directory for compilation targets -->
    <property name="build.home"              value="target"/>
    <!-- The base directory for component configuration files -->
    <property name="conf.home"               value="src/conf"/>
    <!-- The base directory for distribution targets -->
    <property name="dist.home"               value="dist"/>
    <!-- The base directory for component sources -->
    <property name="source.home"             value="src/java"/>
    <!-- The base directory for unit test sources -->
    <property name="test.home"               value="src/test"/>
  <!-- ========== Compiler Defaults ========================================= -->
    <!-- Should Java compilations set the 'debug' compiler option? -->
    <property name="compile.debug"           value="true"/>
    <!-- Should Java compilations set the 'deprecation' compiler option? -->
    <property name="compile.deprecation"     value="false"/>
    <!-- Should Java compilations set the 'optimize' compiler option? -->
    <property name="compile.optimize"        value="true"/>
    <!-- Construct compile classpath -->
    <path id="compile.classpath">
      <pathelement location="${build.home}/classes"/>
      <pathelement location="${velocity.jar}"/>
      <pathelement location="${jdom.jar}"/>
      <pathelement location="${werken-xpath.jar}"/>
      <pathelement location="${oro.jar}"/>
      <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
  <!-- ========== Executable Targets ======================================== -->
    <target name="init"
     description="Initialize and evaluate conditionals">
      <echo message="-------- ${} ${component.version} --------"/>
      <filter  token="name"                  value="${}"/>
      <filter  token="version"               value="${component.version}"/>
    <target name="prepare" depends="init"
     description="Prepare build directory">
      <mkdir dir="${build.home}"/>
      <mkdir dir="${build.home}/classes"/>
      <mkdir dir="${build.home}/conf"/>
      <mkdir dir="${build.home}/tests"/>
    <target name="static" depends="prepare"
     description="Copy static files to build directory">
      <copy  todir="${build.home}/conf" filtering="on">
        <fileset dir="${conf.home}" includes="*.MF"/>
    <target name="compile" depends="static"
     description="Compile shareable components">
      <javac  srcdir="${source.home}"
        <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
      <copy    todir="${build.home}/classes" filtering="on">
        <fileset dir="${source.home}" excludes="**/*.java"/>
   <target name="jar" depends="compile"
     description="Creates jar">
      <jar    jarfile="commons-${}.jar"
    <target name="clean"
     description="Clean build and distribution directories">
      <delete    dir="${build.home}"/>
      <delete    dir="${dist.home}"/>
    <target name="all" depends="clean,compile"
     description="Clean and compile all components"/>
    <target name="javadoc" depends="compile"
     description="Create component Javadoc documentation">
      <mkdir      dir="${dist.home}"/>
      <mkdir      dir="${dist.home}/docs"/>
      <mkdir      dir="${dist.home}/docs/api"/>
      <javadoc sourcepath="${source.home}"
              windowtitle="${component.title} (Version ${component.version})"
                   bottom="Copyright (c) 2001 - Apache Software Foundation"/>
    <target name="dist" depends="compile,javadoc"
     description="Create binary distribution">
      <mkdir      dir="${dist.home}"/>
      <copy      file="../LICENSE"
      <jar    jarfile="${dist.home}/commons-${}.jar"

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