> hum ... normally each test case will trigger the Servlet redirector which
> will instantiate a new test class for each call, meaning that your "if(first
> time)" will always be true. Thus, you should not need it ! ... :)

A subtlety I had missed. you are of course right. That could be a pain
if you ever need to do a lot of setup for a TestCase before executing
all the methods - it means the setup gets run every time.

> > It means I can run test cases assuming that the actionservlet has
> > started up and is available for use.
> >
> > Of course if your actionservlet doesn't start properly this method won't
> > work.
> >  Then all you need to do is write a testcase for each action that you
> > want to test.
> >
> > In your example, you could at least move the creation of the
> > actionservlet into the setUp method.
> >
> >
> > I guess the real issue with testing struts dispatcher based work, is
> > that you have an extra level of redirection to go through. At the moment
> > the ServletRedirector is set up to make calls to Servlet classes. with a
> Actually, the servlet redirector is set up to make calls to any java class.

as long as the are an instance of ServletTestCase then yes... otherwise


Jari Worsley
Senior Programmer
Hyperlink Interactive Ltd

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