Hello Vincent,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I have done it according to your advice and success!

I usually use AssertUtils.getResponseAsString(). But When I want to 
test multibyte character encoding (i.e japanese character EUC_JP, 
Shift-JIS etc) in JSP or Servlet, I use java.io.InputStreamReader.

Toru Suzuki     
MHI Aerospace Systems Corp.

------------------Original Message------------------
>From   : Vincent Massol
Subject: Re: [Cactus] JSP Test
Date   : 2001/07/03 20:34:04
>Hi Toru,
>* You can use AssertUtils.getResponseAsString() and
>AssertUtils.getResponseAsStringAray() if you wish (see the sample tests for
>how to use it)
>* You might not need to use the setURL() API. This is used only to simulate
>the URL. If you don't use it and call a method like request.getQueryString()
>you'll get the query string that was used internally by Cactus to call the
>Redirector Servlet. So you would use setURL() only if your code make use of
>such methods to make _as if_ it was your servlet/JSP (and not the redirector
>one) that was called.
>* the goal of the JSP Redirector is not to test JSPs but rather to provide a
>JSP environment (i.e. pageContext, ...) to test some of your classes that
>would need it (like JSP tags, ...).
>So what happens here is that the generic redirector.jsp JSP is called, which
>in turn instanciate and call your SampleJspTester class, which does nothing
>(nothing in testOut() ), so when endOut() is called (on the client side),
>probably nothing has been written in the servlet output stream so that's why
>you get null ... Your test.jsp is never called !
>If what you want to do is simply to verify the result of calling your JSP,
>you should  extend ServletTestCase and in testOut() write the following :
>public void testOut()
>        RequestDispatcher rd =
>config.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/test/test/test.jsp"); <--
>put the correct path
>        rd.forward(request, response);
>Hope it helps.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Toru Suzuki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 12:04 PM
>Subject: [Cactus] JSP Test
>> Hello All,
>> I hava question. I want to test a simple JSP with cactus.
>> I wrote JSP Tester Class(see below), but sb.toString() return "null".
>> Is this correct beginOut() method?
>> public class SampleJspTester extends JspTestCase {
>>     public SampleJspTester(String name) {
>>         super(name);
>>     }
>>     ....
>>      public void beginOut(ServletTestRequest theRequest) {
>>          theRequest.setURL("localhost:8080", null, "/test/test/test.jsp",
>>                            null, null);
>>      }
>>      public void testOut() {
>>      }
>>      public void endOut(HttpURLConnection theConnection) throws
>IOException {
>>          StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
>>          BufferdReader input = new BufferdReader(new
>>          String str;
>>          while (null != ((str = input.readLine()))) {
>>              sb.append(str);
>>          }
>>          System.out.println(sb.toString());
>>          assert(sb.toString().indexOf("Hello !") > 0);
>>      }
>> }
>> ---
>> Toru Suzuki
>> MHI Aerospace Systems Corp.

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