Vincent Massol wrote:

> >
> hum ... if you put this in redirector.jsp then it gets called every time ...
> That's why I preferred to put as a static block in By
> the way, is there any way of putting static java code in a JSP page ?


if you want something to be called once only in a JSP page, then you do
have access to the following methods analogous to those in the Servlet

you can declare jspInit and jspDestroy methods in a JSP page like so:

public void jspInit()
  //do some initialisation code in here.

public void jspDestroy()
  // do your clear up code here.

see part of the j2ee tutorial at sun on:

although i really, really have a problem with what they're advocating in
the tutorial - having anything remotely connected to the database layer
in a JSP page is _really_ disgusting... 

"oy, Sun, I say NOOOO."
- If it's code, then take it out of the page... otherwise god help us
we'll end up with the mess that a badly written ASP or Visual Basic
program can become ;) (yeuch even the thought gives me the shivers)


Jari Worsley
Senior Programmer
Hyperlink Interactive Ltd

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