Hi Pratima,

That's an excellent question your are asking ... At the current time Cactus
does not support unit testing method that make use of the security API.
However, there is a task defined in the todo list for version 1.2 (next
version) for doing so. The task states "Support unit testing of Servlet code
that uses Security APIs, such as isUserInRole(), ...   ".

You are the first actually the first person to ask for this ! :)

Thinking about it quickly right now, here are some ideas of how we could
support it in Cactus :

Solution 1:

1/ In the beginXXX() method, add a new method like setUserCredential(String
name, String pwd)
2/ Make the client side code of Cactus understand HTTP requests for
authentication so that it could answer by providing the user name and pwd
specified in 1/
3/ In web.xml, put security configuration on the Servlet Redirector

The problem with this method is that the Servlet Redirector is generic and
if we put security to it then it will be activated for all test cases ! Also
it won't be possible to change values, like putting an invalid password to
verify an error page is returned ...

Solution 2:
1/ Provide a mock implementation for all security API. The behaviours of the
security APIs will be set by setXXX() methods on implicit objects that have
security related APIs

The problem with solution 2 is that we're not doing in-container testing,
but rather mock object ... The current goal of Cactus is to try as much as
possible to do the real thing (i.e. behaviour from the container). However
in several other occasions, we have been doing it mock style when it was not
possible to do it otherwise. The other goal of Cactus was to see up to what
level we could do it in-container. I think we're beginning to see the limits
... :)

Solution 3:
1/ Forget the generic redirector and instead have one redirector per test
case, meaning that we can very finely tune any paramter for a given test
case. The redirector actually acts as a wrapper around the servlet to be

I had thought about doing it this way when I started Cactus but the issue
was to write a redirector for each test case ! The idea I had was to use the
Proxy Reflection API in JDK 1.3 in order to create it dynamically at runtime
... However, this means dropping support for JDK 1.x and 2.x ... which I did
not want to do as I thought it was too early in the adoption of JDK 1.3 ! I
think it is still true at the current time. Maybe in a year's time ... The
other way of doing it might be by generating the proxy classes, meaning that
within Ant we could have an additional step, which is a generation step. I
actually like this idea as I am beginning to see how we could reconciliate
both in-container testing and mock object testing using a generation step
like this ... :-)

I'll write a paper on the subject very soon ...

I think solution 3 would the only way to go if we wish to continue
in-container testing !

Thanks Partima for triggering all this chain of thoughts ... :)

Any thoughts ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gogineni, Pratima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 6:37 AM
Subject: Cactus with container security

> Hi,
> I am using form-based authentication provided by my container. THe problem
> is that in my servlets I have:
> request.getPrincipalUser() and I see no way to set a principal user into
> implicit request object. My question is - do I have to remove the
> logon/security for testing with Cactus? I looked at the API and couldnt
> anything there that seemed relevant to my problem ...
> The only solution I can think of is somehow use httpunit to first login
> before executing each unit test?
> thanks
> pratima

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