If you will recall, Scott changed the Commons version of Digester to
support JAXP/1.1, including namespace-awareness support.  However, when
trying to port Struts to use the Commons version of this package, I
discovered a problem in the 1.0 release of Digester -- it *only* works
when setNamespaceAware(true) is called!

The reason for this is in the argument values passed to startElement() and
endElement().  When namespace-awareness is turned on, you get:
- localName = "local" part of the name
- qName = fully qualified name (including the prefix and ':')

but when namespace-awareness is turned off, you get:
- localName = zero-length string (!)
- qName = "local" part of the name

The problem comes from the fact that Digester is currently using localName
as the basis for matching which rules should be fired.  So, with namespace
awareness turned off, you never fire any rules ...

I propose to change startElement() and endElement() to work as follows:
- If namespace-awareness is turned on, match on localName
  (i.e. the current behavior)
- If namespace-awareness is turned off, match on qName

This will have the effect that matching patterns for rules will always be
specified with only the "local" portion of an element name, and matching
will ignore namespace prefixes entirely.  (I will make sure that the same
principle is used in matching property names for the SetPropertyRule and
SetPropertiesRule mechanisms).

Any problems with this?


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