> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 5:00 PM
> Committed, thank you very much.  The only thing is that I 
> updated to include
> the other rules that looked for the context class loader, 
> that you did not
> include in your patch.  Good patch otherwise!

Sorry, I did not look to hard to see where else the
classloader was used.

> Gidado, could you test the patch to see if it is what you are 
> expecting?
> Thanks a lot.

I've updated my sandbox, and the changes work fine for me. 
My test was to run it againt my own code, otherwise there
was no extensive testing.

> About the default being false (do not use context class loader), I was
> wondering if that should be true or not?  All of my use of 
> Digester is in a
> web application context, so I would prefer it to be true.  
> What are other
> people's thoughts on the matter.

Yes, I use it in webapp context also.  Let's explore 2 scenarios
starting with the following:

    . my code (in webapp context) creates a Digester
    . add rule-A to digester
    . call digester.parse()

Senario 1: digester.setUseContextClassLoader(false)
    . digester fires rule-A which needs class 'my.code.Run'
    . uses Class.forName() which uses ClassLoader of Digester
      Digester is defined in webapp-ClassLoader, so that's
      the one that's used
    . webapp-ClassLoader delegates to bootClassLoader, which
      fails to find it
    . the webapp-Classloader looks for and finds the class

Senario 2: digester.setUseContextClassLoader(true)
    . digester fires rule-A which needs class 'a.b.stuff'    
    . uses the Context ClassLoader.  This classloader is rooted
      in the servlet-container and is quite likely the
    . bootClassLoader cannot find the class, and the
      ClassNotFoundException is thrown.

Scenario 1 is the behavior I want, so I set it as the default.
In fact, do we ever really need to check the Context ClassLoader
at all?

- Gidado

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