On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Jason van Zyl wrote:

> On 8/8/01 12:34 PM, "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On 8 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> >> dlr         01/08/08 09:09:31
> >> 
> >>   Modified:    util     build.properties build.xml
> >>   
> > 
> > Daniel/Jason,
> > 
> > The practice on other Commons (and Tomcat, and Struts, and ...) projects
> > has been to make "build.properties" something you do *not* check in --
> > that is where an individual developer would customize their properties for
> > their own environments.  On the other hand, a "build.properties.sample"
> > can be checked in to show what properties are allowed to be set, and to
> > give folks a "copy then modify" starting point for their own properties
> > file.
> > 
> > Is there a reason that you've got "build.properties" checked in here?
> Yes, I'm working on a build system that will allow you to just checkout a
> repository and build. I know this doesn't quite fit right now with the other
> commons projects but bear with me. I'm working on a system that hopefully we
> can all use that will allow us to easily build projects without storing an
> JARs in CVS and it requires a build.properties file. I am trying to get an
> example working today so that I can show it and start a discussion. Just
> give me a couple of hours :-)

Sounds good (I saw the other discussion going on :-), and I hope it works!


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