Morgan Delagrange wrote:
> Hmm, I don't see why we're deviating from the normal
> Commit Then Review cycle for committers, but this
> proposal is getting bogged down in red tape, so...

No, we aren't deviating from anything, and don't think of this as some
review for the work you are doing.  Its simply administrative.

Projects that have been voted to be 'commons components' are found in
jakarta-commons. Being in jakarta-commons means that as a group, we have
decided that a project 

- fits into the commons charter
- has a dedicated group of people that are committed to seeing it
- is such that people from the outside who visit and see things there
can count on them being supported active projects.

Others might mention that it should also have a reasonable codebase, but
I personally go back and forth on that one :)

Anything else is in sandbox - being in sandbox says nothing about the
committer or quality of the project, it just means that either somone is
fiddling around (like jjar), is trying to get something incubated and
going (logging, util or rupert), or whatever.

Once you have something cool, I am sure it will take seconds, mere
seconds to vote the project through into commons.

> Moved.

Thanks.  I hope you do understand that this isn't anything personal or
subject related...

> Now, back to the original thread.

Geir Magnusson Jr.                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Developing for the web?  See
Well done is better than well said - New England Proverb

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