Ah OK, you're planninq to use Digester.  I might help out if you need any custom XML 
parsing; I've been working on some SAX-parsing patterns.

- Morgan

Craig R. McClanahan wrote on 8/11/01 10:22 pm:

>On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, Morgan 
>Delagrange wrote:
>> What technology will you 
>use to parse the XML?  SAX? 
>Well, we've got this thing 
>called "Digester" (SAX 
>based) already sitting here 
>in Commons, so that was my 
>starting assumption.  It may 
>need to become a little more 
>intelligent to deal with 
>namespace-based things, 
>but that would be good for 
>other uses as well.

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