dlr         01/08/15 15:47:19

  Added:       util     PROPOSAL
  Start of proposal for Commons Util.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/util/PROPOSAL
           J A K A R T A  C O M M O N S  U T I L I T I E S
  The Commons Util package is a home for tool and utility code which is
  shared amongst many projects.  The code housed in Util will have no
  external dependencies (i.e. import nothing outside the core java.*
  Initial commiters:
  Daniel Rall (dlr)
  Jason van Zyl (jvz)
  Current maintainer of Base64 class (Jeffrey Rodriguez?)
  Leonard Richardson (leonardr)
  Kasper Nielsen (knielsen)
  Jon Stevens (jon)

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