>Could you add myself please (Vincent Massol) ?
>And Jari Worsley too ?
>(I would do it but I have not yet set up my env. yet to change the commons 
>web site ...yes I know I should do it ... :) )

Um, ok, but note I didn't actually re-generate or publish the docs (I didn't 
yesterday either), I just changed the xdocs.  (I also added several people 
listed in the httpclient STATUS.html file.)

>Also, don't you think we should put next to each person's name, the commons
>component he's working on ?

Actually, no.  You won't find me quoting ESR very often, but with respect to 
acknowledging contributors, he once gave the advice to 'put all the internal 
and external people on one list, and make as little differentiation between 
them as possible' (I'm paraphrasing of course).  I think that's a good idea 
here too.  Why set up artificial barriers?  If you're primarily interested 
in a single component or two, and would like to communicate that to others, 
then let's put up an "about us" page where you could list your interests.


No problem.


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