rwaldhoff    01/08/17 16:00:26

  Modified:    collections build.xml
               xdocs/stylesheets project.xml
  Added:       xdocs    collections.xml
  committing ungenerated parts of documentation patch from Chuck Burdick
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.19      +241 -239  jakarta-commons/collections/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/collections/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.18
  retrieving revision 1.19
  diff -u -r1.18 -r1.19
  --- build.xml 2001/07/15 00:17:24     1.18
  +++ build.xml 2001/08/17 23:00:26     1.19
  @@ -1,239 +1,241 @@
  -<!-- $Id: build.xml,v 1.18 2001/07/15 00:17:24 craigmcc Exp $ -->
  -<project name="commons-collections" default="test" basedir=".">
  -   <!-- patternset describing files to be copied from the doc directory -->
  -   <patternset id="patternset-doc"/>
  -   <!-- patternset describing test classes -->
  -   <patternset id="patternset-test-classes">
  -      <include name="**/Test*.class"/>
  -   </patternset>
  -   <!-- patternset describing non test classes -->
  -   <patternset id="patternset-non-test-classes">
  -      <include name="**/*.class"/>
  -      <exclude name="**/Test*.class"/>
  -   </patternset>
  -   <!-- patternset describing non test source files (*.java, *html, etc.) -->
  -   <patternset id="patternset-javadocable-sources">
  -      <include name="**/*"/>
  -      <exclude name="**/Test*.java"/>
  -   </patternset>
  -   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  -   <target name="init">
  -      <tstamp/>
  -      <!-- read properties from the, if any -->
  -      <property name="component-propfile" value="${basedir}/"/>
  -      <property file="${component-propfile}"/>
  -      <!-- read properties from the commons, if any -->
  -      <property name="commons-propfile" value="${basedir}/../"/>
  -      <property file="${commons-propfile}"/>
  -      <!-- read properties from the ${user.home}/propfile, if any -->
  -      <property name="user-propfile" value="${user.home}/"/>
  -      <property file="${user-propfile}"/>
  -      <!-- command line classpath, if any -->
  -      <property name="cp" value=""/>
  -      <!-- now combine the classpaths -->
  -      <property name="classpath" value="${cp}:${junit.jar}"/>
  -      <property name="name" value="commons-collections"/>
  -      <property name="Name" value="Commons-Collections"/>
  -      <property name="Name-Long" value="Jakarta Commons Collections Package"/>
  -      <!-- The current version number of this component -->
  -      <property name="component.version"       value="1.1-dev"/>
  -      <property name="test.entry" value="org.apache.commons.collections.TestAll"/>
  -      <property name="test.failonerror" value="true" />
  -      <property name="test.runner" value="junit.textui.TestRunner" />
  -      <property name="workdir" 
  -      <property name="source" value="${basedir}"/>
  -      <property name="source.src" value="${basedir}/src"/>
  -      <property name="" value="${source.src}/java"/>
  -      <property name="source.src.test" value="${source.src}/test"/>
  -      <property name="source.doc" value="${basedir}/doc"/>
  -      <property name="dest" value="${basedir}/dist"/>
  -      <property name="dest.classes" value="${dest}/classes"/>
  -      <property name="dest.doc" value="${dest}/docs"/>
  -      <property name="dest.doc.api" value="${dest.doc}/api"/>
  -      <property name="dest.jardir" value="${dest}"/>
  -      <property name="dest.jardir.jar" value="${dest.jardir}/${name}.jar"/>
  -      <available property="available-doc" file="${source.doc}"/> <!-- does this 
module have docs? -->
  -      <available property="available-src-java" file="${}"/> <!-- 
does this module have java src? -->
  -      <available property="available-src-test" file="${source.src.test}"/> <!-- 
does this module have test src? -->
  -   </target>
  -   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  -   <target name="copy-javadoc-source" depends="init" if="available-src-java">
  -      <mkdir dir="${javadoc-source-dir}"/>
  -      <copy todir="${javadoc-source-dir}" filtering="no">
  -         <fileset dir="${}">
  -            <patternset refid="patternset-javadocable-sources"/>
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  -      <copy todir="${doc-source-dir}/${name}" filtering="no">
  -         <fileset dir="${source.doc}">
  -            <patternset refid="patternset-doc"/>
  -         </fileset>
  -      </copy>
  -   </target>
  -   <!-- ######################################################### -->
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  -      <delete dir="${dest}"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="clean-doc" depends="init,clean-javadoc">
  -      <delete dir="${dest.doc}"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="clean-javadoc" depends="init">
  -      <delete dir="${dest.doc.api}"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="clean-build" depends="init">
  -      <delete dir="${dest.classes}"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="clean-dist" depends="init">
  -      <delete file="${dest.jardir.jar}"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  -   <target name="doc" depends="init,doc-top,doc-copy,doc-javadoc" 
description="generates javadocs and other documentation">
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="doc-top" depends="init">
  -      <mkdir  dir="${dest}"/>
  -      <copy todir="${dest}" file="../LICENSE"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="doc-copy" depends="init" if="available-doc">
  -      <mkdir dir="${dest.doc}"/>
  -      <copy todir="${dest.doc}">
  -      <fileset dir="${source.doc}">
  -         <patternset refid="patternset-doc"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -      </copy>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="doc-javadoc" depends="init" if="available-src-java">
  -      <!-- copy all the non-test sources out to the work directory and javadoc that 
  -      <mkdir dir="${workdir}"/>
  -      <copy todir="${workdir}">
  -        <fileset dir="${}">
  -          <patternset refid="patternset-javadocable-sources"/>
  -        </fileset>
  -      </copy>
  -      <mkdir dir="${dest.doc.api}"/>
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  -               sourcepath="${workdir}"
  -               destdir="${dest.doc.api}"
  -               windowtitle="${Name-Long}"
  -               doctitle="${Name-Long}"
  -               bottom="&lt;small&gt;Copyright &amp;copy; 2001 Apache Software 
Foundation. Documenation generated ${TODAY}&lt;/small&gt;."
  -               public="true"
  -               version="true"
  -               author="true"
  -               splitindex="false"
  -               nodeprecated="true"
  -               nodeprecatedlist="true"
  -               notree="true"
  -               noindex="false"
  -               nohelp="true"
  -               nonavbar="false"
  -               serialwarn="false">
  -          <link href=""/>
  -      </javadoc>
  -      <delete dir="${workdir}"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  -   <target name="build" depends="init,build-java" description="compiles source 
  -   <target name="build-java" depends="init" if="available-src-java">
  -      <mkdir dir="${dest.classes}"/>
  -      <javac destdir="${dest.classes}"
  -             srcdir="${}"
  -             classpath="${classpath}"
  -             debug="false"
  -             deprecation="true"
  -             optimize="true"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="build-test" depends="init,build-java" if="available-src-test">
  -      <mkdir dir="${dest.classes}"/>
  -      <javac destdir="${dest.classes}"
  -             srcdir="${source.src.test}"
  -             classpath="${classpath}"
  -             debug="false"
  -             deprecation="true"
  -             optimize="true"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  -   <target name="test" depends="build-test" if="test.entry" description="runs 
(junit) unit tests">
  -      <!--
  -      <junit printsummary="yes" fork="on" haltonfailure="yes">
  -             <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
  -             <test name="${test.entry}"/>
  -             <classpath>
  -                     <pathelement location="${dest.classes}" />
  -                     <pathelement path="${classpath}" />
  -                     <pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
  -             </classpath>
  -      </junit>
  -      -->
  -      <java classname="${test.runner}" fork="yes" 
  -        <arg value="${test.entry}"/>
  -        <classpath>
  -          <pathelement location="${dest.classes}" />
  -          <pathelement path="${classpath}" />
  -          <pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
  -        </classpath>
  -      </java>
  -   </target>
  -   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  -   <target name="dist" depends="dist-jar,doc" description="builds binary 
  -   <target name="dist-jar" depends="build">
  -      <mkdir dir="${dest.jardir}"/>
  -      <mkdir dir="${workdir}"/>
  -      <copy todir="${workdir}">
  -         <fileset dir="${dest.classes}">
  -            <patternset refid="patternset-non-test-classes"/>
  -         </fileset>
  -      </copy>
  -      <jar jarfile="${dest.jardir.jar}" manifest="${source.src}/conf/MANIFEST.MF">
  -         <fileset dir="${workdir}"/>
  -      </jar>
  -      <delete dir="${workdir}"/>
  -      <delete dir="${dest.classes}"/>
  -   </target>
  -   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  +<!-- $Id: build.xml,v 1.19 2001/08/17 23:00:26 rwaldhoff Exp $ -->
  +<project name="commons-collections" default="test" basedir=".">
  +   <!-- patternset describing files to be copied from the doc directory -->
  +   <patternset id="patternset-doc"/>
  +   <!-- patternset describing test classes -->
  +   <patternset id="patternset-test-classes">
  +      <include name="**/Test*.class"/>
  +   </patternset>
  +   <!-- patternset describing non test classes -->
  +   <patternset id="patternset-non-test-classes">
  +      <include name="**/*.class"/>
  +      <exclude name="**/Test*.class"/>
  +   </patternset>
  +   <!-- patternset describing non test source files (*.java, *html, etc.) -->
  +   <patternset id="patternset-javadocable-sources">
  +      <include name="**/*"/>
  +      <exclude name="**/Test*.java"/>
  +   </patternset>
  +   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  +   <target name="init">
  +      <tstamp/>
  +      <!-- read properties from the, if any -->
  +      <property name="component-propfile" value="${basedir}/"/>
  +      <property file="${component-propfile}"/>
  +      <!-- read properties from the commons, if any -->
  +      <property name="commons-propfile" value="${basedir}/../"/>
  +      <property file="${commons-propfile}"/>
  +      <!-- read properties from the ${user.home}/propfile, if any -->
  +      <property name="user-propfile" value="${user.home}/"/>
  +      <property file="${user-propfile}"/>
  +      <!-- command line classpath, if any -->
  +      <property name="cp" value=""/>
  +      <!-- now combine the classpaths -->
  +      <property name="classpath" value="${cp}:${junit.jar}"/>
  +      <property name="name" value="commons-collections"/>
  +      <property name="Name" value="Commons-Collections"/>
  +      <property name="Name-Long" value="Jakarta Commons Collections Package"/>
  +      <!-- The current version number of this component -->
  +      <property name="component.version"       value="1.1-dev"/>
  +      <property name="test.entry" value="org.apache.commons.collections.TestAll"/>
  +      <property name="test.failonerror" value="true" />
  +      <property name="test.runner" value="junit.textui.TestRunner" />
  +      <property name="workdir" 
  +      <property name="source" value="${basedir}"/>
  +      <property name="source.src" value="${basedir}/src"/>
  +      <property name="" value="${source.src}/java"/>
  +      <property name="source.src.test" value="${source.src}/test"/>
  +      <property name="source.doc" value="${basedir}/doc"/>
  +      <property name="dest" value="${basedir}/dist"/>
  +      <property name="dest.classes" value="${dest}/classes"/>
  +      <property name="dest.doc" value="${dest}/docs"/>
  +      <property name="dest.doc.api" value="${dest.doc}/api"/>
  +      <property name="dest.jardir" value="${dest}"/>
  +      <property name="dest.jardir.jar" value="${dest.jardir}/${name}.jar"/>
  +      <available property="available-doc" file="${source.doc}"/> <!-- does this 
module have docs? -->
  +      <available property="available-src-java" file="${}"/> <!-- 
does this module have java src? -->
  +      <available property="available-src-test" file="${source.src.test}"/> <!-- 
does this module have test src? -->
  +   </target>
  +   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  +   <target name="copy-javadoc-source" depends="init" if="available-src-java">
  +      <mkdir dir="${javadoc-source-dir}"/>
  +      <copy todir="${javadoc-source-dir}" filtering="no">
  +         <fileset dir="${}">
  +            <patternset refid="patternset-javadocable-sources"/>
  +         </fileset>
  +      </copy>
  +   </target>
  +   <target name="copy-doc" depends="init" if="available-doc">
  +      <mkdir dir="${doc-source-dir}/${name}"/>
  +      <copy todir="${doc-source-dir}/${name}" filtering="no">
  +         <fileset dir="${source.doc}">
  +            <patternset refid="patternset-doc"/>
  +         </fileset>
  +      </copy>
  +   </target>
  +   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  +   <target name="clean" depends="init" description="removes generated files">
  +      <delete dir="${dest}"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <target name="clean-doc" depends="init,clean-javadoc">
  +      <delete dir="${dest.doc}"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <target name="clean-javadoc" depends="init">
  +      <delete dir="${dest.doc.api}"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <target name="clean-build" depends="init">
  +      <delete dir="${dest.classes}"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <target name="clean-dist" depends="init">
  +      <delete file="${dest.jardir.jar}"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  +   <target name="doc" depends="init,doc-top,doc-copy,doc-javadoc" 
description="generates javadocs and other documentation">
  +   </target>
  +   <target name="doc-top" depends="init">
  +      <mkdir  dir="${dest}"/>
  +      <copy todir="${dest}" file="../LICENSE"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <target name="doc-copy" depends="init" if="available-doc">
  +      <mkdir dir="${dest.doc}"/>
  +      <copy todir="${dest.doc}">
  +      <fileset dir="${source.doc}">
  +         <patternset refid="patternset-doc"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +      </copy>
  +   </target>
  +   <target name="doc-javadoc" depends="init" if="available-src-java">
  +      <!-- copy all the non-test sources out to the work directory and javadoc that 
  +      <mkdir dir="${workdir}"/>
  +      <copy todir="${workdir}">
  +        <fileset dir="${}">
  +          <patternset refid="patternset-javadocable-sources"/>
  +        </fileset>
  +      </copy>
  +      <mkdir dir="${dest.doc.api}"/>
  +      <javadoc packagenames="org.*"
  +               sourcepath="${workdir}"
  +               destdir="${dest.doc.api}"
  +               windowtitle="${Name-Long}"
  +               doctitle="${Name-Long}"
  +               bottom="&lt;small&gt;Copyright &amp;copy; 2001 Apache Software 
Foundation. Documenation generated ${TODAY}&lt;/small&gt;."
  +               public="true"
  +               version="true"
  +               author="true"
  +               splitindex="false"
  +               nodeprecated="true"
  +               nodeprecatedlist="true"
  +               notree="true"
  +               noindex="false"
  +               nohelp="true"
  +               nonavbar="false"
  +               serialwarn="false">
  +          <group title="Jakarta-commons Collections" 
  +          <link href=""/>
  +      </javadoc>
  +      <delete dir="${workdir}"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  +   <target name="build" depends="init,build-java" description="compiles source 
  +   <target name="build-java" depends="init" if="available-src-java">
  +      <mkdir dir="${dest.classes}"/>
  +      <javac destdir="${dest.classes}"
  +             srcdir="${}"
  +             classpath="${classpath}"
  +             debug="false"
  +             deprecation="true"
  +             optimize="true"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <target name="build-test" depends="init,build-java" if="available-src-test">
  +      <mkdir dir="${dest.classes}"/>
  +      <javac destdir="${dest.classes}"
  +             srcdir="${source.src.test}"
  +             classpath="${classpath}"
  +             debug="false"
  +             deprecation="true"
  +             optimize="true"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  +   <target name="test" depends="build-test" if="test.entry" description="runs 
(junit) unit tests">
  +      <!--
  +      <junit printsummary="yes" fork="on" haltonfailure="yes">
  +             <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
  +             <test name="${test.entry}"/>
  +             <classpath>
  +                     <pathelement location="${dest.classes}" />
  +                     <pathelement path="${classpath}" />
  +                     <pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
  +             </classpath>
  +      </junit>
  +      -->
  +      <java classname="${test.runner}" fork="yes" failonerror="${test.failonerror}">
  +        <arg value="${test.entry}"/>
  +        <classpath>
  +          <pathelement location="${dest.classes}" />
  +          <pathelement path="${classpath}" />
  +          <pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
  +        </classpath>
  +      </java>
  +   </target>
  +   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  +   <target name="dist" depends="dist-jar,doc" description="builds binary 
  +   <target name="dist-jar" depends="build">
  +      <mkdir dir="${dest.jardir}"/>
  +      <mkdir dir="${workdir}"/>
  +      <copy todir="${workdir}">
  +         <fileset dir="${dest.classes}">
  +            <patternset refid="patternset-non-test-classes"/>
  +         </fileset>
  +      </copy>
  +      <jar jarfile="${dest.jardir.jar}" manifest="${source.src}/conf/MANIFEST.MF">
  +         <fileset dir="${workdir}"/>
  +      </jar>
  +      <delete dir="${workdir}"/>
  +      <delete dir="${dest.classes}"/>
  +   </target>
  +   <!-- ######################################################### -->
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/xdocs/collections.xml
  Index: collections.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Commons Documentation 
  <section name="The Collections Component">
  The introduction of the <a 
API</a> by Sun in JDK 1.2 has been a
  boon to quick and effective Java programming.  Ready access to
  powerful data structures has accelerated development by reducing the
  need for custom container classes around each core object.  Most Java2
  APIs are significantly easier to use because of the Collections API.
  However, there are certain holes left unfilled by Sun's
  implementations, and the <a 
href="";>Jakarta-Commons</a> Collections Component 
  to fulfill them. Among the features of this package are:
  <li>Special-purpose implementations of Lists and Maps for fast
  <li>Adapter classes from Java1-style containers (arrays, enumerations)
  to Java2-style collections.</li>
  <li>Methods to test or create typical set-theory properties of
  collections such as union, intersection, and closure.</li>
  <section name="Documentation">
  An alphabetical list of the package can be found in the <a 
  status document</a>.
  The <a href="collections/api/index.html">JavaDoc API documents</a> are available 
  <section name="Releases">
  1.3       +88 -1     
  Index: package.html
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- package.html      2001/05/04 16:32:15     1.2
  +++ package.html      2001/08/17 23:00:26     1.3
  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  -<!-- $Id: package.html,v 1.2 2001/05/04 16:32:15 rwaldhoff Exp $ -->
  +<!-- $Id: package.html,v 1.3 2001/08/17 23:00:26 rwaldhoff Exp $ -->
         <title>Package Documentation for org.apache.commons.collections</title>
  @@ -10,5 +10,92 @@
            See also the <tt>java.util</tt> package.
  +      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
  +      <tr bgcolor="#CCCCFF" class="TableHeadingColor">
  +        <th>Category</th><th>Classes</th><th>Comments</th>
  +      </tr>
  +      <tr>
  +        <td valign="top">List Implementations</td>
  +        <td>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.CursorableLinkedList}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.FastArrayList}
  +        </td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          Special-purpose implementations of the {@link
  +          java.util.List} interface.
  +        </td>
  +      </tr>
  +      <tr>
  +        <td valign="top">Map Implementations</td>
  +        <td>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.BeanMap}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.DefaultMapEntry}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.ExtendedProperties}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.FastTreeMap}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.LRUMap}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.SoftRefHashMap}
  +        </td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          Special-purpose implementations of the {@link
  +          java.util.Map} interface.
  +        </td>
  +      </tr>
  +      <tr>
  +        <td valign="top">Stack and Queue Implementations</td>
  +        <td>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.BinaryHeap}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.PriorityQueue}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.SynchronizedPriorityQueue}
  +        </td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          Special-purpose implementations of the {@link
  +          java.util.Stack} interface, as well as similar {@link
  +          org.apache.commons.collections.PriorityQueue}
  +          interface.
  +        </td>
  +      </tr>
  +      <tr>
  +        <td valign="top">Adapters</td>
  +        <td>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayEnumeration}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayIterator}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.EnumerationIterator}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorEnumeration}
  +        </td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          Access Java1-style containers as though they were
  +          Java2-style Collections and vice-versa.
  +        </td>
  +      </tr>
  +      <tr>
  +        <td valign="top">Utilities</td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.Closure}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils}
  +        </td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          Manipulate collection objects, determine set theoretic
  +          properties, ensure type-safety, etc.
  +        </td>
  +      </tr>
  +      <tr>
  +        <td valign="top">Transformation Tools</td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.FilterIterator}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.ProxyIterator}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer}<br>
  +          {@link org.apache.commons.collections.TransformIterator}
  +        </td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          Create views or functors on a collection. If your collection
  +          represents <i>X</i>, these allow you to define and look at
  +          <i>f(X)</i>.
  +        </td>
  +      </tr>
  +      </table>
  1.11      +1 -1      jakarta-commons/xdocs/stylesheets/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/xdocs/stylesheets/project.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.10
  retrieving revision 1.11
  diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
  --- project.xml       2001/08/17 00:37:10     1.10
  +++ project.xml       2001/08/17 23:00:26     1.11
  @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
       <menu name="Components Repository">
           <item name="BeanUtils"              href="/beanutils.html"/>
           <item name="Cactus"                 href="/cactus/index.html"/>
  -        <item name="Collections"            
  +        <item name="Collections"            href="/collections.html"/>
           <item name="Digester"               
           <item name="DBCP"                   
           <item name="HTTP Client"            

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