On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Michael Salmon wrote:

> hi folks,
> Just want to comment on the layout of src-code in the cvs tree. It seems
> cluttered with $function/src/java/o/a/j/$function dirs where I think it
> would be best to simply name remove the top-level $function and a single
> docs dir to hold the many README.txt's and such. Basically I think it
> could be cleaner and closer to what other jakarta cvs trees look like.

Individual commons packages are managed as mini-projects, not all as one
mega-project.  Therefore, the original decision was to create a
subdirectory for each package, so that they could conveniently be managed
and developed by separate (though often overlapping) groups of developers,
and released independently of each other.  In fact, the directory
structure inside a particular package does mirror the way typical Jakarta
projects are organized.

Another Jakarta "umbrella" project is jakarta-taglibs, which follows a
similar organizational philosophy for a similar reason.

> ms-


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