On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:

> That clearly shows that the philosophy is broken.

It is entirely reasonable to have a philosphical discussion about how
build scripts should be set up and work.

What is *not* reasonable is to assume that, just because you finally
decided to change how Turbine does this, that this is *automatically* the
right answer for *everybody*, and then to attempt to impose it on other

(One hour notice in private mail when I'm in meetings most of the day
doesn't count as "asking first".)

Now, please BACK OFF of your "my way is right, everyone else can go fly a
kite" soapbox and propose (to general@jakarta, and ultimately to all of
the project dev lists) what you want to suggest.  And ask for a vote.  
Then, the various projects will choose to conform to it or not, as their
individual developer communities decide.


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