Jim Cheesman wrote:

> Sort of:
> /**
>   * Creates an extended properties object from a Hashtable
>   */
> public ExtendedProperties(ResourceBundle resourceBundle) {
>    super();
>    String key;
>    Object value;
>    for (Enumeration e = resourceBundle.getKeys() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
>      key = (String) e.nextElement();
>      value = resourceBundle.getObject(key);
>      put(key, value);
>    }
> }

Exactly the sort of thing I had in mind. But a little more is needed if the fields are 
to be split at comma markers (as
per usual ExtendedProperties behaviour). Just a tiny difference:

  * Creates an extended properties object from a ResourceBundle
public ExtendedProperties(ResourceBundle resourceBundle) {
   for (Enumeration e = resourceBundle.getKeys() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
     String key = (String) e.nextElement();
     Object value = resourceBundle.getObject(key);
     addProperty(key, value);

I have an observation on the current (1.0) ExtendedProperties two-argument 
constructor: it does not call 'super()'. Does
this matter?


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