On Monday, August 27, 2001, at 12:15 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anyone played with making a Digester that works generically from a DTD
> or Schema? Robert, I think you started something yes? It would be very 
> cool
> point a DynamicDigester at a DTD/Schema and not have to worry about the
> making the rules yourself :-)

as part of the generation stuff i've been working on, i have been looking 
at generating digester rules from schema. i think that it can probably be 
done. in general, anything that can be generated can also be done 
dynamically. (Godel's theorem proves this.) i don't know how fast it would 
be, though.

the reason why i'd like to be able to generate rules is so that the 
generated classes and rules can be used for generation later. for example,
  i'd like to be able to take the datamodel schema proposed earlier and 
generate beans and digester rules from it. the beans and rules would form 
the basis of the object model used by the datamodel generation templates.

(BTW the ecs refactoring generation stuff is working really well now it 
uses digester :)

- robert

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