Charles Burdick wrote:
> In the past, I've found it frustrating that the Map interface does not
> implement Collection.  So here's an adapter to make a Map look like a
> Collection.  Some of the methods really operate on the keySet, but on
> the whole it should suit many needs.

Couple of questions

- if you're using a map, you're using a map because you want key-value
pairs stored for some application specific reason. You may want  a
collection for reading from the map at some point, in which case why not
just use the values() method that returns a Collection of the values.

other methods aren't clear how they should work when wrapped in just a
Collection interface, like:
- iterator() - Collection returns the elements in the collection. So do
you return the keys? or the values? I see you have chosen to return the
keySet iterator in your implementation - this is the opposite of what I
would expect.

-same with the remove and toArray methods - you're working with the keys
not the values, which seems counterintuitive to me.

If i want to work with the keys of a Map, then I'll use the keySet
If i want to work with the values, then MapCollection doesn't really
help me, as I can just use the values() method on Map to return a

I guess I don't really see the point in this.


Jari Worsley
Senior Programmer
Hyperlink Interactive Ltd

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