rwaldhoff    01/08/30 16:43:31

  Added:       httpclient RELEASE_PLAN_2_0.txt
  no message
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/httpclient/RELEASE_PLAN_2_0.txt
  Index: RELEASE_PLAN_2_0.txt
  $Id: RELEASE_PLAN_2_0.txt,v 1.1 2001/08/30 23:43:31 rwaldhoff Exp $
  Release Plan for HTTP Client 2.0
  This document describes a plan for a 2.0 release of the
  Jakarta-Commons HTTP Client component (for the remainder
  of this document, simply "HTTP Client").  Per the
  Jakarta/ASF guidelines
  (, this
  document doesn't mean anything until accepted by the
  relevant committer community via a lazy majority vote
  (hereafter, simply "lazy majority").  Once accepted, it may
  be replaced by an alternative plan, again subject to lazy
  majority approval.
  Non-binding votes (votes cast by those outside the relevant
  committer community) are welcome, but only binding votes
  are significant for decision making purposes.
  The objective of the 2.0 release of HTTP Client is to
  provide a stable and robust release focused on standards
  compliance, design clarity, forward compatibility, and ease
  of use (i.e., with the intention of providing a stable
  foundation for the further evolution of the HTTP Client
  component). Specifically, the 2.0 release seeks to
  introduce and evaluate changes based upon the following
  (ordered) criteria:
   1. Freedom from defects (deviation from the documented or
      reasonably expected behavior).
   2. Compliance to RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) and related
   3. Interface and design consistency and clarity, ease-of-
      use, and ease-of-extension.
   4. Forward compatibility. I.e., the ability to add support
      for currently unsupported aspects of the relevant
      specifications or to add support for features that can
      be reasonably predicted without "breaking" the external
      (and to a lesser degree, internal) interface of the
   5. Functional compatibility with HTTP Client 1.0 (i.e.,
      if it works in 1.0 it should work in 2.0)
   6. API Compatibility with HTTP Client 1.0.
  The 2.0 release should also include:
   * Adequate documentation (including both API-level/JavaDoc
     documentation as well documentation suitable for use
     on the Jakarta-Commons site)
   * A substantial unit and functional test suite suitable
     for ensuring the quality and compatibility of release
     2.0 and subsequent releases.
   * A clear demarcation of the "internal" and "external"
     interfaces within HTTP Client, as defined in the
     VERSIONING_GUIDELINES.txt document at:
  Release Manager:
    Rodney Waldhoff
    (assuming no one else is really itching to do it)
  (All days ending at 23:59:59 GMT in case of dispute.)
  * Review Period
    Thursday, August 30 2001 - Thursday, 13 September 2001
    During the Review Period specific design, functional and
    contract changes to HTTP Client will be considered on the
    Jakarta-Commons mailing list, using the following
     1) Any developer or committer that would like to see
        a specific change (or group of changes) enacted or
        rolled back will suggest it on the Jakarta-Commons
        mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
     2) Any interested committer that opposes a given change
        (or group of changes) is obligated to indicate this
        disapproval on the list during the Review Period.
     3) We will seek, but not strictly require consensus on
        each decision point.  If consensus cannot be reached,
        any committer may call for a vote to resolve the
        issue via a lazy majority vote.
    Since substantial progress has been made on a number of
    the objectives within the "rlwrefactoring" branch of HTTP
    Client within the CVS tree, it is suggested that we use
    that revision as a starting point.  Of course, no changes
    within that branch are set in stone. (Indeed, even the
    author of those changes has several things he'd still
    like to reconsider.)  One summary of the major changes
    in this branch versus the current main branch of HTTP
    Client can be found at:
    The Review Period may be closed before 13 September 2001,
    given one "workday"'s notice and lazy majority approval.
    The Review Period may be extended by one week (at a time)
    given lazy majority approval, in case issues still need
    to be resolved.
  * Implementation Period
    Friday, 14 September 2001 - Monday, 24 September 2001
    (assuming the Review Period is not extended)
    During this period, any remaining implementation, testing
    and documentation will be completed.  No new features
    or "public" interface changes will be considered
    in-scope at this time (short of a lazy-majority
    approved revised release plan or any "showstopper"
    At the end of the Implementation Period, a formal
    release vote will be called, subject to lazy
    A formal release vote may be called before 24 September,
    but after then end of the Review Period, if appropriate.

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