As mentioned in my previous email, it looks like it is safe to assume that 
the release plan for HTTP Client 1.0 will be approved. Hence let's proceed 
as if it is until we find out otherwise.

Per the release plan 
our first task is to determine (via a lazy majority vote) the 
changes/additions/removals/etc. to the Jakarta-Slide/main branch versions of 
HTTP Client will be considered "in-scope" for the 1.0 release.  The 
intention is to have these changes identified (but not necessarily 
implemented) by 23:59:59 GMT on Wednesday, 5 September 2001.

Here's a first pass toward that end. I've tried to enumerate the issues I am 
aware of and what seemed to be the viable alternatives for each. If you'd 
like to raise additional issues, or suggest additional alternatives, feel 
free to do so. As always, non-binding votes are welcome, but only votes from 
committers are significant for decision making purposes.

If you need clarification on any of the following, I'd be happy to try to 
provide it.


1) Select one:
[ ] (a) Keep the org.apache.commons.httpclient.log package
[ ] (b) Return to stdout/stderr based logging/debugging
[ ] (c) Remove logging/debugging output altogether

2) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue not to support multiple headers with the same
         name, leaving the current behavior (second header
         overwrites the first)
[ ] (b) Support multiple headers with the same name
         (i.e., when headers like "a: one" and "a: two"
         are received, treat as "a: one, two")

3) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to ignore query string changes during redirect
[ ] (b) Throw an exception for query string changes during redirect
[ ] (c) Respect query string changes during redirect

4) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to ignore host/port changes during redirect
[ ] (b) Throw exception when host/port changes during redirect
[ ] (c) Support host/port changes during redirect

5) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to ignore protocol changes during redirect
[ ] (b) Throw exception when protocol changes during redirect
[ ] (c) Support redirects from HTTP to HTTPS, but throw an
         exception when redirecting from HTTPS to HTTP
         (also see question 6.1)

6) Select one:
[ ] (a) Retain support for HTTPS, possibly addressing the
         following issues
         (If selected, continue with questions 6.x)
[ ] (b) Drop support for HTTPS
         (If selected, skip to question 7)

6.1) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to throw exception when a redirect is
         encountered in response to an HTTPS request
[ ] (b) Continue to throw exception, but make the message more
[ ] (b) Support redirects from HTTPS to HTTPS
         (also see question 5)

6.2) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to ignore HTTPS/secure parameter when
[ ] (b) Drop support for proxies altogether
[ ] (c) Make HTTPS work with proxies and vice versa.

7) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to support cookies, possibly addressing the
         following issues
         (If selected, continue with questions 7.x)
[ ] (b) Drop support for cookies.
         (If selected, skip to question 8)

7.1) Select one:
[ ] (a) Correct Cookie.isToBeDiscarded() (currently returns
         false for true/true for false)
[ ] (b) Leave Cookie.isToBeDiscarded() alone

7.2) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to ignore the request path when accepting
[ ] (b) Pay attention to request path when accepting cookies,
         per RFC 2109

7.3) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to send "secure" parameter when submitting
[ ] (b) Don't send "secure" parameter when submitting cookies
         (per RFC 2109)

7.4) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to ignore secure parameter when accepting
[ ] (b) Don't accept "secure" cookies over insecure connections

7.5) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to ignore secure parameter when sending
[ ] (b) Don't submit "secure" cookies over insecure connections

7.6) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to default to null for path attribute when
         a cookie without any "extra" parameter (domain, max-age,
         comment, etc.) is received, but default to "/" when
         at least one "extra" parameter is received.
[ ] (b) Make path attribute default to "/" in all cases for
         which no path parameter is returned in the set-cookie
[ ] (c) Make path attribute default to directory/path of request
         in all cases for which no path parameter is returned
         in the set-cookie header, per RFC 2109

7.7) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to accept only the specific RFC 2109 format
         for "expires" attribute of cookies
[ ] (b) Accept some additional "expires" date formats, as
         returned by Catalina and other servers (optional comma,
         y2k friendly years, etc.)

7.8) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to submit a "Cookie: $Version=1" header when
         cookies exist in State but none match the given request.
[ ] (b) Don't submit/add a "Cookie" header at all when Cookies
         exist in State but none match the given request.

8) Select one:
[ ] (a) Continue to throw NullPointerException when
         NameValuePair.equals method is invoked with a null name
         or value
[ ] (b) Don't throw an exception in this case, treating
         null == null.


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