I posted this to struts-dev a week ago and received no response, so I
figured it's time to see what the folks over here in jakarta-commons think.

Martin Cooper

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 8:59 PM
Subject: Fixing bugs in Struts code moved to Commons

> There is at least one bug (#2494) in the Struts bug database which is in
> code moved to Commons after the Struts 1.0 release. To be fixed properly,
> the change should be made both in the Struts code base (for Struts 1.0.1)
> and in the Commons code base.
> How should we manage this type of issue? I assume not all Struts
> are also Commons committers (I don't think I am), so I can think of a
> of options:
> 1) Fix the Struts bug and enter a new bug report against the Commons code.
> 2) Have only committers on both projects address these bugs.
> I can see pros and cons to both options.
> Thoughts?
> --
> Martin Cooper

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