Hi Rob! I'm sorry for late! -- include library 16f877a_bert and serial_hardware included in 16f877a_bert Include 16f877a_bert -- speed is 9600 baud
Serial_hw_baudrate -- define rs232 communication usart_hw_serial -- define the pins pin_a0_direction = output -- declaration the variable var byte x forever loop -- send RCREG to the serial port RCREG is a tampon serial_ hw_data = RCREG -- look if the byte is available and RCIF is Serial_hw_available if RCIF then x = RCREG -- naw you use the androide application with app inventor and don't forget hc-06 module is slave if x == "1" then serial_hw_write(x) pin_a0 = high end if if x == "0" then serial_hw_write(x) pin_a0 = low end if end if end loop Thanks I'm going to wait your answer! And I want, you explain me how to build library and command please!! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "jallib" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to jallib+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/jallib/CALqKeO7y17QbbezKWApJm1kDmH4P46B_nDGaaJuDv%2BS2SuT%3Dig%40mail.gmail.com.