Hi all, 

This is just FYI. Read and view if you like.

A colleague of mine is working\ for the scouting in The Netherlands. Once 
per year they let kids get familiar with electronics by providing an 
inexpensive soldering kit. This colleague had a nice kit that had some LED 
patterns and LED games and was developed in 2010 but is no longer 
available. The kit was based on an Atmel processor. I saw this as a chance 
to promote JAL by building a similar kit but with some different LED 
patterns and LED games and add a connection for a PICkit programmer so that 
kids can reprogram it by making their own games using the JAL code that I 
created for the board.

I am not sure if this will be used at all but I made a PCB and ordered 5 
boards (for less than 2 Dollar!) and assembled two to see if all works 
correctly. I have put all JAL sources on my GitHub account and wrote a 
manual (currently only in Dutch but I will make an English version). It 
would be nice if it is used so if you know groups of kids (e.g. in 
scouting) that want to do the same as the kids in The Netherlands, please 
copy all information from my GitHub account (link in the video). Note that 
I still need to upload the PCB info since I made a small update of the 
initial version.

If you want to know what you can do with it, have a look at the video of 
this Jota Game <https://youtu.be/oen_fmnBMzo> 

Have a Happy New Year!

Kind regards,


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