mungkin ada yang berminat ( baik secara pribadi maupun utusan kantor dimana Anda bekerja ) ?
salam / agus rasidi
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:23 AM
Subject: [UPDATE INFO] The First Indonesia Brand Forum: Have a Brand You Today?

[Mohon maaf jika Bapak/Ibu merasa terganggu dengan email ini]

Bapak/Ibu yang terhormat,

Majalah BranDNA akan menyelenggarakan The First Indonesia Brand Forum.
Pada forum ini (Seminar Dua Hari) akan dibahas full perspective tentang Brand
dan Brand Strategy, mulai dari perspektif konsumen (oleh Yongky Susilo, Direktur
ACNielsen Indonesia), Brand dari perspective akademisi (Prof. DR. Ignas Sidik,
Prasetiya Mulya), Brand Development dari perspective Brand Consultant (Daniel
Surya, Landor Associates Indonesia), Pengalaman perusahaan dalam membangun
Brand (Indar Atmanto, Presiden Direktur Indosat M2 dan Willy Sidharta, Presiden
Direktur Aqua Golden Mississippi), Hal-hal penting dalam membangun dan
mengembangkan Brand Platform (Robert Campbell, Regional Strategic Planning
Director Young & Rubicam Brands Asia Pacific), Metode Brand Valuation dalam
rangka meningkatkan value melalui manajemen brand yang efektif (Lucy Gwee,
Managing Director Brand Finance Singapore) dan Brand Protection (Stephen Pask,
Project Advisor DM Associates, a former Managing Director Landor Asia Pacific).

8 pembicara dan dipandu oleh 6 moderator berpengalaman di bidangnya akan
memberikan full perspective tentang Brand/Branding Strategy.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi amie (e: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 atau di  021 8502672 (website:

Sampai jumpa di The First Indonesia Brand Forum 2006 (4 & 5 September 2006)


warm regards,

BranDNA Magazine


The First Indonesia Brand Forum: Have Brand You Today?

No. 220/IBF-So/BranDNA/ CMKASIA/08/ 06

Jakarta, August 28, 2006


To support brand and branding activity in Indonesia, BranDNA magazine, the first and
only brand magazine in Indonesia, would like to conduct the First Indonesia Brand Forum.
Indonesia Brand Forum is a dedicated forum to introduce and to develop the brand activity
and other related aspect of the brand, from local to global perspective, from concept to
experience, from the maker to the executer, for Indonesian people.

The 2006 Indonesia Brand Forum theme is "HAVE BRAND YOU TODAY?".

The Objective of this forum is to give a full perspective about brand, from research,
the company experience, and the platform of branding activity until the value of the
brand from financial perspective.

The 2006 Indonesia Brand Forum target audiences are CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CMOs,
Marketing Managers, Brand Managers, Product Managers, Sales Managers, Business
Development Managers, Finance Managers, Accounting Managers, Corporate Secretary,
PR Managers, Brand Consultants, Advertising Executives, Art & Creative Directors
from any kind of industry (from manufacturer, service, bank until advertising
company) and also student (bachelor and master)

This forum will be classified into three programmes, Brand Seminar, Brand Clinic,
and Brand Exhibition.


Exhibition Booth for brand and product promotion and product selling.
Date: September, 4-5th 2006


A small forum in exhibition area that will give a first aid brand solution
Date: September, 4-5th 2006


The brand seminar would be on:

Venue : Manhattan Hotel, Kuningan Jakarta
Date : Monday-Tuesday, September 4-5, 2006
Time : 8am – 5pm

With the topic as follow:

Day 1: Monday, September 4, 2006

Seeing a brand from consumer point of view

Speaker: Yongky Susilo, Business Development - Retail Services Director ACNielsen Indonesia
Moderator: Anton Suparyanto, Senior Project Coordinator Kanematsu Indonesia
This topic will explore the consumer's perspective about Brand. From what they
think and how they see a brand until what kind of brand they choose. You need
to see the world like consumer. Nowadays, the big questions for a company is
how our consumer relates with the company brand and translates it into brand
sales. For each brand category, the experience level is different. Beyond that
differences, the questions are what kinds of brand they consume?

Brand & branding strategy, a theoretical approach

Speaker: Prof. DR. Ignas Sidik, Prasetiya Mulya Graduate School of Management
Moderator: Redesmon Munir, Assistant Marketing Manager Lubricant Pertamina
This topic will explore brand & branding strategy from theoretical aspect.
From the definition of brand until definition of branding strategy.

Indosat-M2's way in developing new market

Speaker: Indar Atmanto, President Director Indosat M2
Moderator: Moderator: Weitarsa Hendarto, Marketing Manager Coca-Cola Indonesia
Sharing experience from company perspective about the importance of brand to
the company growth. In these sections, the speaker will explore and explain
innovative branding strategy that has been used in developing the new market
(Internet & Multimedia Services). And the impact of brand and branding strategy
for Company itself.

Just Brand it!

Speaker: Daniel Surya, Chief Representative Landor Associates Indonesia
Moderator: Ria Christiana, Brand & Communication Manager Shell Indonesia
This topic will explore brand development process from consultant perspective,
all the aspect that have to be considered in developing brand. This sections will
explain and explore about how to build a brand, what's the core concept for
building a brand. What kind of aspect that have to be considered and to be
ignored? The point is what brand actually is and how to build it?

[Luncheon speaker]
Brand Protection: Protection of Brand Assets
Speakers: Stephen Pask, Project Advisor DM Associates
This session held on lunch time at day 1 of The 1st Indonesia Brand Forum.
The description about brand protection, why it is important in building brands,
how to protect shareholder value from counterfeiting activity and also how some
related aspect about brand protection.

Day 2: Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Choosing the right Brand Platform

Speakers: Robert Campbell, Regional Strategic Planning Director Young & Rubicam Asia Pacific
Moderator: Stephen Ng, Dean Imago School of Advertising
After brand was created, branding activity hold an important function in delivering
the value of the brand to their target market. This topic will explore the platform
of the brand from global marketing communication company. There are so many
brand platform, but the company must choose the best one that can give a touch
point for the company itself and also for the consumer, of course. What kind of
business world that the company face in this era? Did brand platform different for
different industry? And what the impact of brand platform to the company brand value?
In this forum, Robert Campbell will shares his experience around the critical 'rules'
to build a differentiated, ownable brand platform that can then be used in all
consumer communication and interaction

Measuring the Value of your Brands

Speaker: Lucy Gwee, Managing Director Brand Finance Singapore
Moderator: Krisetiadi Purwanto, Senior Client Services Manager AcNielsen Indonesia
Brands are valuable assets. Most companies are aware of it, yet few see them as financial
asset with an associated value. Brand valuation is a starting point to ascertain that value.
However, more fundamental than that, firms need to move beyond the value number.
Firms need to fully harness the potential of their brands and to vigilantly, efficiently,
and effectively manage your brands. In this forum, Lucy Gwee from Brand Finance
shares her insights on various brand valuation techniques as well as demonstrates how
you can extract more value through effective brand management.

Brand is an asset for company

a. Willy Sidharta, President Director Aqua Golden Mississippi
b. Daniel Surya, Chief Representative Landor Associates Indonesia
Moderator:  BranDNA
Brand is something intangible, but the successful branding strategy is actually
creating a strategy for understanding, implementing and managing their brand
as an asset. The intangible value of a brand, it seems, is real.
In these sections, the panel speaker will discuss about brand as an asset for the
company. The panel will explore about AQUA as a brand and as an asset.
What make AQUA become a big brand and have a big value? Did Aqua Golden
Mississippi threat their brand as an asset? What they do to manage their brand
as an asset? We also can get another perspective from Landor Associates Indonesia
as the brand consultant company, how to build, threat and manage brand as an asset.

*) Presentation & Discussion in Bahasa/English.

Regarding to the First Indonesia Brand Forum, herewith our publish investment rate
for the seminar ticket:


Rp.3.900.000 for one person
Rp.3.700.000 for one person (5 persons from one company)
Rp.3.400.000 for one person (10 persons from one company)

(50 first register will get Tommy Hilfiger Watch Voucher Rp200.000 and get 6 (six)
Editions of BranDNA Magazine)


Luncheon Speaker:
Rp.1.000.000, - per person [Limited only for 50 persons]


For further information or for registration you can contact:
Phone: +62 21 850 26 72 or +62 21 7068 7454

Thank you very much for your time and your cooperation.

Looking forward hearing a good news from you.

Warm Regards,

BranDNA Magazine

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