
I am trying to get dbfile:// repositories working with James 2.0a3 without success.
Everything works, but it works exactly the same as db://. i.e. everything is still 
going into the database.
I am no a Java expert at all, but one thing puzzles me looking at the source code.

-- taken from mailstore.log --
1026930210369 [DEBUG  ] (mailstore): Need instance of 
org.apache.james.mailrepository.JDBCMailRepository to handle: dbfile,MAIL
1026930210370 [DEBUG  ] (mailstore): 
1026930210371 [DEBUG  ] (mailstore): 
org.apache.james.mailrepository.JDBCMailRepository created according to null
1026930210371 [DEBUG  ] (mailstore): 

Here we see that method compose() is called before configure(), yet there are some 
variables set in configure() which seem to be tested for in

In file JDBCMailRepository.java method configure() we have 

    public void configure(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException {
        -- cut some stuff out here --

        filestore = conf.getChild("filestore").getValue(null);

and in compose() we have 

   public void compose( final ComponentManager componentManager )
        -- cut some stuff out here --

        try {
            if (filestore != null) {
How can we test for filestore here, surely its still null since method configure() has 
not run yet?

I have made some changes and moved some code into initialize(). This seems to work.

Has anyone ever used dbfile:// ?

Thanks, Serge

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