----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Feb 6, 7:32 PM

> i.e. there is something problamatic in the James CVS head 
> releative to the current builds.  Resolving/identifying this IHVHO is a 
> prerequisite to Avalon Excalibur and Corenerstone realese candidate 
> evalutation. 
> I end up in an infite loop 
> inside James.

Can you send the patch of your changes to list. It seems to be that the best course is 
commit to head, have a regression or two for some time, let everybody test and fix it. 
Infinite loop problem should be easy to track down.


----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Feb 6, 7:32 PM

> Hi Noel:
> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> >>At the same time it would be a lot more helpful to the process
> >>in James were in sync.  While I understand that this is not on
> >>the James short list of priorities
> >>
> >
> >Excuse me?  Where did that come from?  
> >
> Read the thread ... :-)
> >I thought that we were cooperating with you.
> >
> There are a bunch of things going on - Avalon is starting is rollout of 
> release, within a few weeks we will be hitting the Cornerstone content 
> relase process which concerns James more than any other project.  That 
> realese process is (from my point of view) is very much about supporting 
> the excalation of James. However, this, again "from my point of view" 
> needs an active process so we can get James in shape before release 
> condidates start comming out of Avalon.  This has nothing to do with 
> what version James locks into - it about enabling a mechanisms whereby I 
> can validate the candidates I'll signing off on.  To do that we need up 
> rollup James from CM-to-SM, sort out an identified loop, and arrive at a 
> platform against which we can do some real evaluation.
> >My understanding, Stephen, was that you were working on the changes, and I
> >have been watching the various parts of Avalon go into a release cycle.  My
> >impression was that we had agreed to pickup those parts as they became
> >release eligible (and, as you know, there is a fix in logkit 1.2
> >specifically because of James), and that you were in the process of making
> >the necessary code changes (e.g., CM -> SM).
> >
> First cut on the CM-SM transition was coplete one month ago (today). 
>  That process raised issues that after a couple of weeks were resolved 
> down to being a combnination of somethig strage in James CVS head (the 
> looping problems), combnined with some bugs inthe James test code, + 
> probably issue relative the current Excalibur candidate releases on the 
> thread and pooling areas.  A second cut at the transition was applied 
> against Pete' James variant which proved to be totally succesfull - in 
> fact it was this process that identifies that there is a definitate 
> problem in James CVS head (which I presume still exist) and the the 
> issues are indepent of the CM-SM migration. To be frank, I was hoping we 
> would have cleared these things before the release process started over 
> on Avalon.
> >
> >
> >Do you have the code changes ready?
> >
> They have been ready for at least four weeks.  But to be honest - it't 
> only in the last two weeks that I've know that it isn't the code change 
> that is problamatic - it's the transition/target combination that is the 
> area of interest/concern - and that's the thing I've been asking for 
> support on - i.e. there is something problamatic in the James CVS head 
> releative to the current builds.  Resolving/identifying this IHVHO is a 
> prerequisite to Avalon Excalibur and Corenerstone realese candidate 
> evalutation.  I suspect there are problems low down but I've aleady been 
> through the process of validating tbis on at least four seperate 
> occasions.  If I run either Phoneix or Merlin using the release 
> candidate (and related candidates, etc.) I end up in an infite loop 
> inside James.  This is somethig wrong and it needs to be fixed before 
> the Avalon RC process for Exclibur and Cornerstone can really rolls into 
> place.
> >
> >Oh, that reminds me ... Serge, didn't we pass a vote to give Stephen commit
> >rights?  Do you need to verify the vote count, and submit a request to
> >infrastructure or root?
> >
> Nothing as yet.
> Commit privs or a target to send a zip/diff to - whatever - I don't mind.
> Cheers, Steve.
> -- 
> Stephen J. McConnell
> http://www.osm.net
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