Soeren Hilmer wrote:
As you said the easy part was the implementation. I have already done that (although on my recently downloaded James 2.1.2 source code).

For the hard part: Updating of repositories. I assume the change is to be made on HEAD branch, and potentially backported, is this correct? How do I actually go about doing that? I guess that it is not generally possible for everybody to commit code.

Migration documentation. Well you lost me there, what is this task precisely about. Are you saying that a new repository structure should be created? If so can you please explain, why that is necessary?


Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is a community project and I'm sure other people will have comments.

As for your questions, yes commit rights are restricted. You can read about how to contribute at

As for migration, it could either be a document or code that can detect and automatically make the change. The reason it is necessary is to support people who already use James who want to upgrade.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501

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