I would like to propose Vincenzo as a James Committer.  He has shown his
ability through the quality of submissions he has made, that he is able to
work out a consensus, and that he understands the basic philosophies that
James tries to take.

Vincenzo has provided a bit of biographical information for our

I would appreciate very much this opportunity!

I have a very long aged background in database management and related
topics, in Operational Research, in A.I. and particularly using prolog; I
have almost no Unix/Linux experience and good Windows and IBM mainframe
experience; and so on.

Just lo let you have a more precise picture of me, I am and always have been
the CTO in my company (a software consulting firm), including R&D. And I
love to learn and to "dirty my hands" on the things I deal with. And
probably I'm older than most of the James people ;-)

I have enjoyed contributing somehow to this project and partecipating to the
various discussion lists, also because of the atmosphere, the politeness and
the "patience" of the partecipants.

So, if you think that becoming myself a Committer would be helpful to the
project, I would be very happy and proud to! Let me know. I'll be in any
case always happy to give a help when I can.

Thank you for this offer.


Vincenzo has a number of additional matchers and mailets to contribute, and
is interested in helping to start work on James v3, such as continuing the
DBCP work that Serge had started.

If there are no objections, I will call for a vote of the Committers.

Hopefully Vincenzo will be just the first of a whole new crop of Committers.

        --- Noel

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