Hi Noel J. Bergman,

        Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. My requirement is something
like this ....

                    I have to attach a signature file to all outgoing
mails with the username, designation and mobile number. So first i
should who is user sending the mail and his corresponding Name,
designation and mobile number has to be got from the database and create
a signature file and then i should attach this file to the outgoing
mail, also if there is a signature that is present then that has to be
removed or replaced with the signature that is created by me. I hope u
got it.  Can i do this using james if so please let me know.

thanks in advance,
SIP Technologies & Exports Ltd.

"Noel J. Bergman" wrote:

> > So please can anyone let me know if there is any possible
> > way to attach a file to the mails outgoing from james server.
> There isn't a standard mailet for doing so, but it would be fairly
> straightforward to do.  Are you saying that you need something like:
>   <mailet match="condition" class="AttachFile">
>     <file>path-to-file</file>
>     [<mimetype>mime-type</mimetype>]
>     [<subject>subject</subject>]
>   </mailet>
> Or is there something more to it?
>         --- Noel
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