
Please direct emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than my
personal email.  You'll get responses much quicker.

JAMES handles receiving the emails and you use the JavaMail API to 'break'
the message into it's parts.  I would familiarize yourself with the JavaMail
API, and then write a simple mailet that prints out some debug information
so you can begin to understand more clearly how mailets work.  There are
several mailets in the project as well as the sample code in the article.

Serge Knystautas
Loki Technologies - Unstoppable Websites
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ramon Gonzalez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:04 AM
Subject: JavaWorld article on Apache JAMES


I recently read your article about Apache JAMES on Javaworld and decided to
download it and try it. I am working on an email-fax project and it seems
JAMES is the ideal solution for handling the SMTP messaging to and from the
fax gateway.

What I have not been able to find is sample code I can follow. The article
you wrote gives me insight on how to handle mailets and matchers, but I
would like to find out how to handle things like receiving emails and
breaking it's individual parts into objects. The Javadoc helps, but
following sample code is better for me.

Where can I find more sample code? I would really appreciate any information
on JAMES. Thanks.

Ramon Gonzalez
Tampa Bay, Florida

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