Please upgrade to 2.0a3.  Listserv archives has copious discussion on 
this matter if you'd like further details.
Serge Knystautas
Loki Technologies - Unstoppable Websites
David Kim wrote:
> Hi Serge,
> I don't know why the mail size is changed into '0'
> after retring(,in
> (Usually it was happend, when the mail has normal
> style internetAddress (not "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", but
> Because of that, james is retrying to send mail
> unlimitedly, (without any concern with maxRetries.)
> If the size of email is not '0', I recognized that
> james didn't retris more than maxRetries.
> How can I fix it? Please help me. 
> ----------
> --detail--
> ----------
> Unlimited retry problem over maxRetries!
> Thu, 23 May 2002 
> Hi all, 
> I'm testing james with using OutlookExpress. 
> Now I am testing undelivered email. 
> But I have two problems. 
> test enviroment 
> delaytime = 60000 (about 1 minute) 
> maxRetries = 2 
> testcase 1: 
> test data: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> process : james has made 3 email as follow (stream and
> object each). 
>   -first mail: original email 
>   -second mail: from Postmaster to sender 
>   -third mail: from Postmaster to Postmaster 
> result : 
>    In outgoing directory, first mail was built. 
>    After first mail was deleted, second mail was
> built. 
>    After second mail was deleted in outgoing
> directory, 
>    third mail was built in 'error' directory. 
>    I think this is normal output of James. 
>    But I have a problem. 
> problem: When does email in 'error' be deleted? 
> testcase 2: 
> test data: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (this is normal type,
> but my server is 
> blocked from outside.So although james try to deliver,
> it can't do 
> that) 
> process : james make only 1 email(stream and object
> each). 
>    - Stream email's size is changed into '0', instead
> of making second 
> mail in   'testcase 1' 
>    - And james retries to delivery unlimitedly 
> result(problem) : 
> There is no change after stream email size being
> changed into '0'. 
> Although I fix maxRetries to '2', james retries again
> and again. 
> What I want know: 
> 1.When and How can I delete email in 'error'(test case
> 1) 
> 2.After maximum retry, it must be deleted with
> processing like test 
> case1. (test case 2) 
> How can I do that? please help me. 
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> David 

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