>How are you measuring

The number I gave was an approximation.  I am sending messages of known
length to myself, and measuring the amount of time that Outlook Express's
progress meter shows the "Receiving message" caption (as opposed to
"Connecting," "Receiving list of messages," etc.)  Although the number is
not exact, it should be close.

JAMES 1.2.1 was *much* faster.  For example, I can retrieve a 100k message
from JAMES 1.2.1 in under a second, but the same message takes around 8
seconds from 2.1a1.

Whether retrieving a single long message or several shorter messages, the
results are pretty similar.

>and can you reproduce?

It happens consistently on one machine.  I have not tried to reproduce it on

The machine it's happening on is a Pentium 233 with 384MB RAM, running
Windows 2000 and JDK 1.3.1.  The problem occurs not only over a network
connection, but also when retrieving the mail on the same machine JAMES is
running on.


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