I am knew to James, and not a Java expert, but have been using Java for
a few years now so I can pretty much find my way around.


I am currently using IntelliJ IDEA 3.0 to debug James and I have gotten
that working in that I can set a breakpoint on say, an SMTPServer
connection and step through all the code there, but I don't have any
runtime (debug) to anything in Phoenix, Avalon, and all the other
projects James uses.

Is there someone out there that is using IDEA (or any GUI debugger) that
can give me a brief explanation of how I can debug everything.   I have
had IDEA for about a month now, so I am very new to that, but is there a
main project file that can contain all the other projects.   


The main reason for this (among other important ones) is I still don't
understand how phoenix loads James.   I have look at the run.bat (I am
Windows) and see that it passes in a special loader class, but what
happens then?  Is everything dynamically loaded based upon XML file


The last reason why I would like to debug (at least the startup) is I am
trying to add a very basic mailet (as described in this arcticle:



And can't james to start in the debugger when my mailet is included in
the config.xml (it starts fine without it).

I traced it down to this error in phoenix's log:

1039373134293 [ERROR  ] (Phoenix.kernel.james.lifecycle): Block named
"spoolmanager" failed to pass through the Initialization stage. (Reason:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/mailet/GenericMailet).


I have made sure mailet.jar is in (and high) in the classpath, but still
get this error.


I hope this all makes sense.


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