> I didn't enable special debugging (I can't remember). But there are
> plenty of log files in james/apps/james/logs.

In SAR-INF/environment.xml, you can change log levels from INFO to DEBUG.

> database-connections.maildb_ ****** connection 22 is way too old: 65063 >
> this message being  repeated every 60-65 seconds.

> java.sql.SQLException: Communication link failure:
>    at org.gjt.mm.mysql.MysqlIO.sendCommand(Unknown Source) ...

This one is easy to fix, and the fix will be in James v2.1.1.  Change your
config.xml entry to add "?autoReconnect=true", e.g.,


The problem is that your system is currently overwhelmed in the spool.  I
ran a similar test just yesterday, and saw all of these I/O related errors
before adding the autoReconnect option.

Once you have made that change and rebooted James, it will take a while for
the queue to clear.  You could manually delete entries for the postmaster
account via the mysql client.

        --- Noel

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