bill -

nice work with the gateway matcherpairs btw - i set up a
variation of it last night ...

but it seems that the original inquery was to ensure beyond
doubt that a particular sender is authorized to send mail.
althoug your gateway more or less can ensure that the mail
originated from a network, it can't really ensure that the
sender actually has the authority to send. 

this goes towards role based certs an dwhatnot, but a simple
acl can be used in conjunction with a custom MatcherPair to
validate the mails going out ...

> i belive there may be a solution to this by adding the
> concept of  'direction' to the mail flow analysis. this
> only works if your mail  server is in a protected area
> where IP spoofing is not possible (you  cannot trust your
> ISP to check for spoofing, but a well configured  firewall
> or router does this quite reliably). it works like this:
> 1. you define those ip addresses that are considered
> 'internal'. in my  world that is the company mailserver,
> since james is acting as an  intelligent filtering mx (yes
> , i still owe the list some docs on this, i  haven't
> forgotten! :o)
> 2. you extend your "RecipientIS" mailet to consider the ip
> address of  the sender: anything that matches the subnet
> of the 'internal' address  becomes 'outgoing' mail,
> anything doesn't becomes 'incoming' mail.
> 3. you only allow 'outgoing' mail that matches the naming
> scheme you  currently have defined in "RecipientIS" to be
> delivered.

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