There is a service, but it isn't exposed to the Mailet API.  James uses it,
itself, as you can see from all of the file:// references.

Are you asking for the equivalent of ServletContext.getRealPath(String),
e.g., MailetContext.getRealPath(String)?

I don't have a problem with it.  I've been mulling it over for a while,
since I have written several matchers and mailets that also need data from
the file system.  I don't think that I'd expose the whole selector-based
approach that James uses.

        --- Noel

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitchell Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 17:50
Subject: Reading resources within a mailet

My question: how do I refer to plain ol' file resources from within a mailet
without hard-coding the full pathname? Failing that, is there an
interpolation service available to a mailet?

I have written a simple mailet to wrap an existing external service. The
service object originally expected to fetch all of its configuration
information from a resource (via
getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream()). This didn't work, but in
an unusual fashion: the InputStream was either null or empty, depending on
whether or not the resource was found. That is, it didn't seem to read the
resource file, but returned end-of-file immediately.

After changing the service to fetch its configuration via reading a file, I
now have to configure the mailet with a path to the service configuration
file like so:
<mailet match="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" class="GatewayServiceMailet">

The problem here is that the full path is hard-coded. I tried various
interpolated bits, like "${app.base}/SAR-INF/gateway-config.xml", but there
doesn't seem to be any interpolation performed when the config.xml file is
parsed. The frustrating bit is that various repositories use URLs like
"file://var/mail" to refer to relative locations but I can't spelunk fast
enough to figure out how to implement the same feature in my mailet.

So now what do I do?

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