
I try to do a short howto to configure James with SSL/TLS.

Hope it will help you.


How to configure James to enable a secure connection using SSL/TLS. This 
document describes the steps to have a running instance of James with a SMTP 
and a POP handler either with SSL/TLS feature.


There are 2 issues, a major and a minor.

Major issue: quite all SMTP servers around the world use a plain text session 
on port 25 to exchange mails between them. This implies you must have 2 SMTP 
handlers on James. The first one will use plain text session on port 25. The 
second one will use a SSL/TLS session on port 465. If you don't setup the first, 
nobody can send you mails.

Minor issue: some mail clients could not use the SSL/TLS feature to receive 
mail. If it happens, you should setup 2 POP handlers (same as for SMTP).


If you don't know which port to use, have a look in the file /etc/services. It 
defines all standard ports.

Configuring the SMTP handler:

Step 1: configure james/SAR-INF/config.xml like this (I remove all comments 
to be clear). I enbale auth and verify in order to prevent any open relay (correct
me if I'm wrong).
  <smtpserver enabled="true">
         <helloName autodetect="true">myMailServer</helloName>
   <smtpserver-tls enabled="true">
         <helloName autodetect="true">myMailServer</helloName>
   // Enable the ssl factory and specify where the java keystore is located
   // ( here in james/SAR-INF/conf -> james/SAR-INF/conf/keystore )
         <factory name="plain" 
         <factory name="ssl" 
         <factory name="plain" 

Step 2: in file james/SAR-INF/assembly.xml , duplicate the bloc which has name 
"smtpserver". In the duplicated bloc, change "smtpserver" by "smtpserver-tls".
This reflects the second handler in the file config.xml.

Step 3: create the keystore in james/SAR-INF/conf

In a shell, type the following:

---<<type start>>---
: keytool -selfcert -genkey -validity 365 -keypass keystore -keystore ./keystore
Enter keystore password:  keystore
What is your first and last name?
What is the name of your organizational unit?
What is the name of your organization?
What is the name of your City or Locality?
What is the name of your State or Province?
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
Is CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct?
  [no]:  yes
---<<type end>>---

Type the correct values for your certificate ;-)

Note: use same password (here keystore) everywhere!

Configuring the POP handler:

It's the same story as for SMTP. Just decide if you want only a SSL/TLS or
 a PLAIN + SSL/TLS connection.

Start James. If all is correct, it should start without any error message.

To test the SSL/TLS feature, start openssl in a shell and type:

---<<type start>>---
: openssl
OpenSSL> s_client -connect localhost:465

//and ssl will print a lot of information...

---<<type end>>---

That's all.
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