
I've been thinking I need a new mailet, before I start to write it, I wanted
to make sure there weren't any obvious limitations, or simply a better way
to do it.

Essentially, I've found the need to have some sort of a scheduler (time not
message based), that could report either on internal James statistics, or
possibly a review of messages waiting etc..

Though it would be simple enough to write something that runs outside of
James for some of the statistics etc., I was thinking that a mailet (without
a matcher) would also support this same idea, if it's possible to have a
mailet without a matcher (or maybe a matcher that never matches anything
<g>).  Having James load it as a matcher saves me the trouble of having to
configure and run a new process.

This Scheduler Mailet would have init parameters describing the classes and
scheduled runtimes (probably sets of hours etc.).  Any class that supported
the Runnable interface could be called.

Are there any issues with new threads being spawned from within James by a

Any comments on the above outline (as poorly as it's written...it's just
some serialized thoughts)?



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