Hi all,

Maybe an example will help:

The DNS servers for my site are


As Serge said, you can use ipconfig /all to find out what name servers your windows machine is using.

My DNS server block looks like this:


I host mail for several domains on my site, including journalscape.com and slangman.com, my servernames block looks like this:

<servernames autodetect="false" autodetectIP="true">
        <!-- ... others removed for brevity -->

I don't know, but perhaps this will help as a clear example.

Kenny Smith

Serge Knystautas wrote:
Hutson Carspecken wrote:

Hello Again,

I am still having trouble with sending remote mail addresses. I can send to one remote address (yahoo.com domain) but I can't send to where else.

Is there a definitive method or means of configuring a server to send remote messages?

I have tried the <servernames> tag and the RemoteDelivery mailet <gateway> tag. Setting these to my ISP IP address.

You don't need to specify any other SMTP server in your configuration. <servernames> is where you put your DNS server.

Since you're running windows, just type "ipconfig /all" in a command window and copy the IP addresses you see under "DNS Servers" as servernames.

Do not specify a gateway, start up your server, and you should be set. If email doesn't get through, it is most likely because your ISP is blocking you from sending email. However, since you can deliver to at least Yahoo!, then that doesn't seem to be the case.

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